• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen April 2nd



Back in the Saddle · 2:42am Jul 12th, 2012

Wow. It seems the last time I was on here was approximately 5 weeks ago. And in that regard, it was only to clear up my notifications. I sincerely apologize to any pony that cares. I've been away for a while on important business and I had truthfully forgotten about this; though how is truly beyond me. But I'm on leave now and I won't be back in for a little while. And in that time, I hope to write another story.

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9384no, just thought about it for a second. I just finished reading the first book, so just reminded me.

9361 I hope you're not under the impression that I'm mimicking the hunger games. Honestly I've never seen the movie or read the book. I have no background information on the topic.

9164 Most likely because of the word games; however, in truth, it could be for a multitude of reasons. I'm too lazy to narrow it down, though. In truth, I could never tell you why it reminds you of the Hunger Games simply because I'm not you:twilightsmile:

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