• Member Since 18th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen May 21st


Where I give some background on me, cause I can't put in under my user name anymore...

Pony lover (that... that sounds weird), reader (well duh, this is Fanfiction.net for ponies), and now author! (of one story.) Still trying to get my bearings as a writer, but I'll try to make my chapters as good as I can get them. I guess I should tell you what stuff I like, cause that probs will reflect what I write in the future. I'm a fan of the psychological and dark. Stories that aren't creepy for the sake of creepy, but ones that really dive into the minds of these characters we all know and love. Those kind that make you question the characters, the authors sanity, life itself! On the flipside, there's nothing like a nice love story as well... yeah I'm a little all over the place. My ships I ship, are Flutterdash (oops, there went some people), Rarijack (Oooh, some stayed, and a few came back!) and TwiPie (some... aren't to sure what to feel). I like virtually every paring I can think of, except AppleDash.(aaaaand there went everybody... dammit.)So yeah, thanks for checking me out! I'll try to entertain as best I can.


It's coming... · 5:52am Oct 3rd, 2014

and it's gonna be big. Like, long. But this one... I have a good feeling about this one, I'm truly trying to fine tune it; it's about 80% done. It'll be lengthy, psychological (as per the norm), Gilda will have some one liners, and some tones will be set. It's coming soon. A big reason for the delays is honestly time. Something unexpected happened; I got a job! I'm not sure if I'm legally aloud to say where, but so far I'm lovin' it.

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Report Snakeskin94 · 443 views · Story: Griffons Cathouse ·
Comments ( 28 )
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Thank you for the favorite on The Dragon and The Farmer

Thanks for faving "A Princess and Her Queen", muh manz! :pinkiehappy:

another stalker buddy santa imposter Follower!
thank you very much.

Thank you for the favorite.
Many thanks indeed:moustache:

Thanks a bunch for the favorite:twilightsmile: If you don't mind maybe you can leave a comment too, but only if you want to of coarse:derpytongue2:

Thanks for the fav on "Please Don't Leave Me"! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav:twilightsmile:

Thanks for favouriting "What Comes Next" :yay: I would love to hear your thoughts!

Thanks for the Fav! :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:


Thanks for faving my story about Fluttershy kissing lots of horses. :yay:

thanks for fllowing me

Hey, thanks for the watch! I promise I'll try to always write quality stuff for you to read. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for watching me :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the favorite on Christmas Time

thanks for the fav on "Unlikely Love of Ages Past"

Thank you very much for the favorite on Father Mare. It feels good to know people are still looking at it.

Thank you for the favourite of The Station. It's very much appreciated. :twilightsmile:

thanks for the fave of love marriage and scootaloo

Thank you for your favorite on Out of Style!

Also, If you could be so kind as to when/read chapter 3 to choose one of the four options in the authors notes for me please if you so desire! I would greatly appreciate it!

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