• Member Since 15th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


Punctual, entertaining, enigmatic and humorous. Those terms are best applied to others. However, these do a good job of describing me: absentminded, long-winded, reclusive and strange.

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A Quick Question · 5:04pm Jun 19th, 2018

First, a mandatory apology. I’ve been - well, gone’s not quite the word. Skulking is more apt, I think. My heart was so set on doing stuff with the one story I’ve got posted here that I never even thought anything could interrupt that. Well, as life is wont to do, it got in the way. Now it’s... what, one, two years later (?) and I started thinking about updating.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11

Thanks for the fav on Void Trials. if you liked (or disliked) it, please give me feedback

Thanks for adding Love Your Difference to your bookshelf. It's nice to see my first and favorite story getting some love.:twilightsheepish:

Wow! That's a new one for me.I'm glad I somehow managed to write the first story you read on the site and that it left a good impression on you.

2288399 You're welcome. I'm really enjoying reading Last of the Dragonlords. It's such an interesting story.

Thanks for the watch! :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11
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Well hello there, fellow human being.

The following is a disclaimer (of sorts).

As with everything else in my life, this account was started (and is updated) on a whim, so:
If you're looking for someone who knows what they're doing, look elsewhere. If you're hoping for regular updates then I apologize. If smut and porn is your thing then you're better off skulking - or marching proudly - through the accounts of other users. I am no veteran, nor am I a knowledgeable writer. Or any sort of writer. Everything I do is an attempt to familiarize myself with stories and other people; as a result, I am lacking in skill, understanding and experience. Do not expect anything great, good or even passable from me, because in all likelihood I will be unable to meet your standards, and I'm most likely completely incompetent. Following on from this, if you dislike anything that I do or recognize a mistake or an area where I have shown a lack of understanding then please tell me (as harshly as you feel is necessary) where and how I messed up, and perhaps how you would have done it differently. Or don't - you're not obligated to do anything on my behalf.

End disclaimer (of sorts).

Now that that's out of the way...
