• Member Since 28th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Got many ideas, but no time and no energy.

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Chapter Progress Bar

Got a new old phone, writing resumes.
The New Stall-Ion: Chapter 6
~60% completed
~40% to do
Chapter words: 1461 / 4000 (This is just my goal, it won't always be 4000 words, I just want it around there)

(The writing portion accounts for much more of the final percentage than planning and editing, so the numbers may not look to make sense at first glance. Below is a table for each value. Also, I rewrite stuff differently than when writing it for the first time. The percentage will definitely be off during a rewrite.)
0-20% = planning, outline, etc.
20-80% = writing
80-100% = proof reading and editing
Last updated: 05/03/2017 (mm/dd/yyyy) at 11:46 PM (mtn)


Important updates will be here.

^ 2017 ^

v 2016 v

June 12: New chapitar fur dah sturee. Gur chack it owt at ze tup uv deeh paige.

May 26: New old chapter on The New StalLi-ion! Go check it out at the top of the page!

May 12: Oh, just realized the chapter progress bar still said it was the rewrite for chapter one. Fixed it to say chapter two and updated the update bar (heh). I think I may be adding too much filler to this chapter but eh. More words = more fun right? Maybe? I dunno, I just know it's fun to write the stuff, and that's what I do.
Hoping the rewritten chapter will be out next week.

May 1: Yay, got to work on the chapter the exact day I wanted to :D Got the replanting done tonight, now for the rest of the week will be rewriting. (5)

April 20: Chapter 1 rewrite is done! You can find it by clicking on the story above the chapter progress bar. (Going to start on Chapter 2's rewrite on May 1st.) (4)

April 3: Easter break is over for me now, updated the chapter progress bar for The New Stall-Ion. I found inspiration or something tonight cause a guy commented on my story and I was like, "I CAN'T KEEP THEM WAITING!" (3)

March 27: Agh! Rewrites are so boring to write, because you've already wrote that part of the story! It's taking so long to complete! Though since I'm on Easter break I'm going to not write till its over. (2)

February 15: Dang, it's amazing how fast you can get a chapter done with inspiration... I'm already halfway through this chapter... (well, probably less, but my goal is to try to reach 2000 words, and it's at 1180. ) But my planning has like 3 of the total 12 or so points checked off, so expect the longest chapter yet. (I'm hoping around 3000 words.) (1 - removed next update)

Removed updates are saved on my phone just in case I need to reference them for some reason. I just like to be resourceful in Internet fights. Sorry.


Update on that last update on that last update · 8:43am Nov 24th, 2020

I've thought of some great ideas of where to take The New StalLi-ion, which means that I am officially splitting the story I'm currently writing plans for off of that story. This will give me a bit more freedom with certain things on the new story, along with allowing me to rewrite and continue The New StalLi-ion in such a way that it does not deviate too far from its original plans.

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Favourite Dark stories

The people who have stalked me thus far

Comments ( 32 )
  • Viewing 23 - 32 of 32

Thanks for adding The Perfectiest Plan to your favorites. I hope you enjoyed your time with the sugar overload.

*hisses in guilt laden fervor*

Achievement unlocked!

You earned the...

...would a group of fans of Changeling fics be called a swarm?

TLost Little Wolf
Yet another human-in-the-body-of-a-show-character story
PrincessColumbia · 48k words  ·  1,028  58 · 15k views

Thank ye for the add!

If you like Twilight, may I suggest my story here for your consideration?

[Adult story embed hidden]

Thank you for the thank you! And in return, I thank you for writing the story!

Thank you for adding At Your Service to your favorites! I'm glad that you're enjoying it! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 23 - 32 of 32
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