• Member Since 31st Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


It's not "definantly" or "defiantly" or "definately". It's "DEFINITELY". How can so many people get it wrong...


I was living a comfortable life. Had a loving wife and son, money was absolutely no issue, everything was swell.

Next thing I know, I'm hearing voices, I can't move, I can't talk, I can't even breathe. Yet, I know I'm alive, though I don't entirely feel like myself anymore.

Then I end up being the last of survivor of my new race.

I'm not even human anymore...


-A HiE fic as a changeling in an alternate universe where MLP was never aired on Earth.
-Starts shortly before the end of Season 2.
***Slow updates! You've been warned!***
-Current cover image is a placeholder. Trying to find a more appropriate one...
-Comments below contain spoilers!
-The [Tragedy] tag is there mainly because I can't put up the [Sad] tag, due to conflicts with the [Comedy] tag.

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 1720 )

Artemis huh? Greek name of the goddess of the hunt. Interesting. You need to check you "size" thingies.

Japanese cartoon cats aside, Artemis is not a male name. The guy's name is Artemus. (Which means "follower of the goddess Artemis".

Why does the name 'Yoreel' seem so familiar.......oh.....OHH.'

I don't get it.

5540518 Leeroy, as in Leeroy Jenkins

5541820 *puts gun in his mouth* ADIOS!!!

The friendly (from a certain point of view) look at the changeling hive gets my up-vote. I look forward to more.

I cannot believe that he missed the pokemon vibe that came from,

when all of a sudden a wild manticore appeared!

But aside from that, this is a wonderful fic. I'm really enjoying the vibrant personality's that the Changelings have so far.

5542673 If by "he" you meant me, it was sort-of intentional :ajsmug:

5544646 No, I meant the main character. And what do you mean by intentional?

5544655 Oooh, nevermind then. And the intentional part was just me putting a minor pokemon reference in the story.

5544674 Ah, alright then. Well, I hope that a new chapter come's out soon. (But still, take your time. :twilightsmile:)

Please at least make their deaths mean something. Have at least one pony like Luna forgive the dying Chrysalis.

Make it at least like "The Queen is dead... Long live the Queen".

Some of the [size] tags aren't working. Unless there is some very weird dialogue going on and changelings regularly say "open square bracket size equals eight close square bracket"

Other than that not a bad start. Not a great deal to go on other than setting up the timeframe ; but It's relatively well written and I like that it's not a typo ridden mess :twilightsmile: your obsessive checking is appreciated.

The wedding is only in three days, right? I could head back to check on our newest and first changeling princess once our victory is assured, if you wish.

And suddenly, the full premise of this story is hinted at. There have been many stories of random humans becoming changelings, and some humans becoming princesses (and almost all of them rebelling against Chrysalis), but I think this will be the first one where the princess may be immediately thrust into a trial-by-fire of leading after the upcoming disaster of a wedding.

But looking at your author notes, perhaps 'leading' is too strong a word here. 'Surviving' may be better.

It's been very popular for some time to have the wedding be merely a setback (since nothing dies onscreen and Chrysalis returns in the comics to be an even bigger villain), it's only been since that video To Be A Pony that writers have begun to experiment with it being crippling or fatal to the changelings and specifically to the queen. I have to admit it's an interesting direction to approach changelings nowadays.

I love fluff. I really hope you can keep 'ya promise of the story mostly focusing on that even though The Event is unavoidable.

You know, looking at the mini description for the story which is what made me click on it in the first place:

I'm the last survivor of my race.

I had assumed until this moment that was in reference to he may have been the last human or something.

5552773 That's odd, I've litterally triple-checked multiple times, both on my word document and on the site. As far as I know, that's not my fault. :rainbowhuh:


But looking at your author notes, perhaps 'leading' is too strong a word here. 'Surviving' may be better.

You may have just derailed my plans and made me reconsider how things will play out for Artemis. Hmmm....
I need to give this even more thought.

I understand the size and the emotions things its like an emotion scale the number is how much emotion they radiate and I'm guessing they portray how much guilt or love there producing it also can be any emotion.

What do you mean his name is artmis? Im thinking that this is in the future.

Woah, I just noticed the "[size]" text popping up across the story. Turns out it doesn't work properly when you try to change the size to anything under 10. Fixing it right now.

Edit: Can't believe I let it stay like that for so long... bleh. :facehoof:

Artemis was a female human before she became a changeling, right?

5555366 Summary mentions he/she had a wife and son before this all happened, and while I meant him to be a guy before arriving in Equestria, I guess it's still possible to have a wife and 'son' while being a girl. I'll see if I can make an edit somewhere to make it more clear.

Intended for him to be a guy before, to be able to add some more drama among other things once he realizes his gender change.

so his name is Artemis...
and he came from an egg...
...Artemis Fowl!:yay::rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy:
tee hee! i feel clever. and if that was intentional, you should feel clever too, author.

really good story! but so far, i've had little to no character building with artemis. (s)he? still hasn't been hatched yet... i eagerly await more. *followed, watching, Favorited*

5566491 After I'm done with the wedding chapter, the story will then be centered on Artemis for the most part. The lack of character building was semi-intentional, as I'm still wondering just how I'll want Artemis to be like. Lots of options, yet I can only pick one...

That line break reminds me of this.

The Queen is dead... Long live the Queen.

Kind of wish I didn't read this chapter until the next one was posted. That's what I get for a lack of self control even knowing it would be depressing.

5592454 Heh, I was debating whether I should post this at the same time the next one was ready, but ultimately decided to just throw it in here and read comments to see if I could get any extra ideas for the future.


I'm not sure what comments to make other than I expected Artemis to hatch on her own before she was found, but I believe you did foreshadow that Artemis sleeps when no changeling is nearby. Would Artemis have been aware, even vaguely, that something happened or did Artemis sleep through it all?

No reaction from Princess Cadance? Not even a reaction shot after the event when it must have been immediately evident what happened? I mean, she and Shining Armor did just annihilate the invading force. It's not quite genocide except in the very technical sense since Chrysalis did bring everyling there so it's partly her fault they got caught in the indiscriminate crossfire, even those changelings who may have been non-combatants.

Did any ponies die in the invasion? I got the impression that the invaders just subdued all the resistance instead of killing them.

5592874 how does princess cadence and shining armor feels they killed an entire race? I mean damn they practically put a new definition in love kills

5592874 I suppose it comes down to what shining and cadence perceive chrysalis’s children to be, generally I would assume the soldiers to put on the guise of being snarling hissing intimidating monsters we were shown them to be during the invasion on TV. I don’t think during combat or when you’re guarding your hostages it would be advisable to show a soft cuddly side. And with that in mind would they really weep for the dispatched “monsters”? I’m sure cadence might feel regret for chrysalis from their brief interaction but beyond that?

I hope our little protagonist has some inkling of changeling society it would be sad for them to be remembered as discords monsters, they’ve been around for over a thousand years, and surely they have (had) a culture of their own their own with heroes, holidays, stories, knowledge and the like. I hope this doesn’t turn out to be I’ll raise this child the pony way with pony this that and the other because everything else is less awesome and probably evil and barbaric. I’m kind of getting that vibe from this rendition of Celestia.

Celestia’s reaction to blast “Terra” with the elements is more than a bit presumptuous it’s been over a thousand year’s sunbutt! she’s been a changeling the whole time, ruled a race of her own, had kids! (a lot of kids..) Take a step back and stop trying to shape the universe to your whims with your rainbow cannon, sorry changelings your mom’s a pony now no more siblings for you.

Though that rant aside our soft-boiled hero (egg humour heh) is not a blank slate to begin with is s/he?


I’m sure cadence might feel regret for chrysalis from their brief interaction but beyond that?

How about regret for losing control of her powers? She is the Alicorn of Love, and she weaponized it without any restraint. I see it as no different than Celestia trying to use the power of the sun to sweat an enemy into submission and instead causing heat stroke deaths as well as desertification, or Luna trying to call down a shooting star to smite an enemy and causing a huge explosion with massive collateral damage because she went too large. Cadance is young and probably before now never had any concept that her power could actually be dangerous, despite it literally being the driving engine behind an ancient empire or being shown by Chrysalis that it could be used to empower her race to the point where she could subdue Celestia (even though Celestia was holding back).

I'm not really counting Shining Armor in this, had his marefriend been anyone other than the Alicorn of Love I'm sure the effect wouldn't have been deadly (or possibly worked at all).

I'm reminded of a quote by Luna from another story If I Were a Pony... as she healed Chrysalis:
"Because We would rather not have Our niece's anniversary be remembered as a day of genocide.", well that's kinda the case here. Since it wasn't mentioned as happening I'm guessing the wedding was postponed.

I hope our little protagonist has some inkling of changeling society it would be sad for them to be remembered as discords monsters, they’ve been around for over a thousand years, and surely they have (had) a culture of their own their own with heroes, holidays, stories, knowledge and the like.

Well we know that Edge has been telling Artemis all kinds of stories as well as being able to sense the emotions of the other changelings around, so she had a glimpse that not only was there a culture there, but they were proud of it. I guess it really comes down to if the protagonist wants to embrace her new nature or not. She'll know immediately there are no other changelings and be able to sense guilt from Celestia and Cadance if they lie about what happened.

A lot of things were being recovered from the Hive though, including artifacts and money, probably diaries and books as well. I'm not sure the protagonist is aware of them though unless Edge mentioned it.

All signs point to the ponies having absolutely no idea what changelings can do or how they work beyond 'empowered by love' (they might not recognize they actually require it to live), 'can change shape', 'are capable of mind control'. I don't think the ponies know that changelings can implant memories into their victims so no one is the wiser, or that they don't kill their victims, or can sense emotions, or have a mind link, or the Queen is the source for all changelings, or that the protagonist is a Princess who can become a new queen (though the protagonist doesn't know that fact either, she may think she is a 'relay changeling').

One thing I see as being completely different from canon is Discord's release. He was canonically released specifically to act as a power they could call on for events like the changelings attacking again. But in this case not only is that threat gone (even if Artemis survives and holds a grudge, it'll be awhile before she could act on it, just like Chrysalis had to wait), it was Discord's fault in the first place.

I admit that I realized I didn't write anything about Cadance and Shining Armor's reaction to what happened some time after I posted the chapter. I'll try and cover that in the next one.

Did any ponies die in the invasion? I got the impression that the invaders just subdued all the resistance instead of killing them.

Indeed, no ponies were harmed too much in the making of this chapter. It would be bad for both sides, for obvious reasons.

I suppose it comes down to what shining and cadence perceive chrysalis’s children to be, generally I would assume the soldiers to put on the guise of being snarling hissing intimidating monsters we were shown them to be during the invasion on TV. I don’t think during combat or when you’re guarding your hostages it would be advisable to show a soft cuddly side. And with that in mind would they really weep for the dispatched “monsters”? I’m sure cadence might feel regret for chrysalis from their brief interaction but beyond that?

Will Cadance feel regret? Of course. Shining Armor? Perhaps not nearly as much. I'll explain it in the next chapter. You're also correct to assume the "changeling soldiers" didn't show soft sides much to the ponies, and that will seriously affect how Ponykind will view changelings in general. Rumors and stories travel fast with them, being social creatures and all. Of course, practically all the changelings died, but they can't really know if the invasion force was the entirety of the race.

All signs point to the ponies having absolutely no idea what changelings can do or how they work beyond 'empowered by love' (they might not recognize they actually require it to live), 'can change shape', 'are capable of mind control'. I don't think the ponies know that changelings can implant memories into their victims so no one is the wiser, or that they don't kill their victims, or can sense emotions, or have a mind link, or the Queen is the source for all changelings, or that the protagonist is a Princess who can become a new queen (though the protagonist doesn't know that fact either, she may think she is a 'relay changeling').

Yes to everything.

5595740 it would be good if the expedition team finds some tones or chrysalis journal, and learn about the history of the changeling and the betrayal of Celestia, and finding out that chrysalis was actually a princess once, and what would happen it this bit of information was to reach the public ears?:twistnerd:

Good story, pacing is very well done, Chrysalis' character is very well thought out. I am looking forward to Cadance's reaction when she finds out that she and her husband killed every changeling via love-overdose-induced seizures.

Looking forward to more.

Just a quick heads-up, next chapter will probably take a bit longer to come by. Will be watching the entirety of seasons 2 and 4, and doing a bit of research in general for a few things that concern what I want to add later in the story :twilightsmile:

Edit: disregard this comment, chapter posted.

I like it that you mock the show and actually say that "You know we weren't healed". Nice!

Bringing in Daring Do and treating the changeling hive as an abandoned ruins complete with deathtraps with the egg as the golden idol is pretty inspired. Did you have that in mind since the beginning?

On the subject of tagging, you have Luna tagged but not Cadance. Do you intend for Luna to have a bigger role than Cadance? Than Daring Do?

Nice to see Chrysalis leave little Artemis with such helpful drama advice, especially since she asked Celestia to help her. Revenge from beyond the grave? It'll have the same effect even if it wasn't intended that way.

At least, it would if Artemis didn't already come with a preset mind. That's the gimmick here in having a former human protagonist; while influenced by others she could apply critical thinking to what she knows.

Sad to see a language barrier, it strikes me as something unwise to let stand for a fast maturing race, especially if they get separated before learning it. Unless. . . changelings can take knowledge directly from minds. It would explain how long term infiltration for love gathering is possible, else everypony would notice the replaced pony acting oddly.

I'm definitely looking forward to more, the story has only just begun.


Bringing in Daring Do and treating the changeling hive as an abandoned ruins complete with deathtraps with the egg as the golden idol is pretty inspired. Did you have that in mind since the beginning?

The funny thing is, once I finished that entire scene and re-read it, I noticed just how much it seemed like an Indiana Jones thing. It just kind of happened and I noticed AFTER I wrote it :derpytongue2:

"(Just. Go. Up. Up. Down. Down. Left, then right.)"

The Kanami code!

Awesome take on the changeling fiction. I am hoping to see great things out of this story. The extermination is a nice concept play around with. I don't read a lot of changling stories so sorry if I don't compare.

5540436 According to the author of the Artemis Fowl series (starring a male character by the same name), "while it is traditionally a female name, it 'was [historically] sometimes…given to boys as a kind of honorific if their fathers were great hunters'." (sez wikipedia)

Ellipsis should have three periods, never more.

5650538 I'll keep that in mind and make a few edits here and there then, but I feel that it's sometimes necessary to have more than three periods to intentionally extend the "pauses" during conversations and such.

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