New Fic In The Works By: The Twin · 10:07pm Dec 9th, 2016
The Twin
Alright so for what ever reason I have been thinking about D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) alot lately. I use to play it a little back in high school with some friends, I don't know if we were playing it right because we never accomplished much and mostly just joked around. But my D&D history isn't why you clicked on this blog post is it? You wanna hear about the Fanfiction I mentioned in the title don't you. Well I'm getting to that.
Thanks so much for the fav on when did this happen
Thank you for adding Learnt to Trust Again to your 'Favorites'!
No lie "What is this strange feeling?" has one of the best storylines I've ever read on here.
Cannot wait for the update!!
Thanks for the actually positive comment. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Thanks for the fave!