Fluttershy wakes up in the night from a nightmare portraying her worst fear, and will need her husband; a certain draconequus, to rid her of those fears. She needs him to say that he will stay...
Sorry Dislestia shippers
As you can tell from my username, I'm a very hardcore "Fluttercord" shipper! I'm dedicated to only writing Fluttercord stories!!!
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I'm dead this is too cute. The death of Clover Starshine *dies from the unbearable cuteness*
Looks like Luna might ship Discord with her sister.
So Discord ranks an earth pony below a parasprite? Ouch.
This... This is why I follow you!
Your story was submitted to the Good Grammar Directory, but failed to qualify.
Mainly because of dialog punctuation. Check out this article if you want to get it right, and if you have any doubts, shoot me a PM. Although, on a personal note, next time don't submit it to the Directory before checking these things first.
Oh, and fix this sentence too while you are at it:
* Fluttershy walked into the bedroom she and her husband โ Discord โ shared.
Thabk was so heart felt๐๐๐๐๐๐
Now that's a line we need to hear in the show....in the future
Okay. You made me cry, Very good story!
Sorry not Sorry you mean
8454466 yes, exactly. I am NOT sorry at all!
DisLuna is the best, (followed by DiscoLight)... but this was close enough. Well done good sir.
Iโm a girl lol
Oh! Well I deeply apologise for mis-gendering you, my good lady.
W o a h this was cute!