• Member Since 26th Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ From gloomy voids I was unnaturally born, forever unseen, until I have decided to be dubbed as FV ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Blog Posts

The Director's Cut of my Bio

From gloomy voids, I was unnaturally born, forever unseen, until I decided to be dubbed as FV.

A cliche, isn't it? That's what it says on my birth certificate; it's not my fault. I was born on some living "planets" that occasionally dabble in word games. The reason for the quotations in planets is that while they are structured as such, they are more like giant eyeballs with people living in them. One is named Dexter, and the other Sinister; they hated how much they loved each other. I have no idea what they wanted and honestly don't care. To make a long story short, a civilization invented the "staring contest" inside of Sinister, there was a war, a black hole showed up in the middle of the battle, sucked in Sinister first, Dexter cried, and among those tears was me!

And so I fell and fell, and fell, and so on. It was a long drop that felt like it went on for centuries. Despite being in an area where gravity was scared to coexist with, I rarely, if ever, stopped.

When I was brought into existence, the first thing I did was cry, but I learned about other things over time. Thankfully my first stop was on a planet ruled by octopi, and they showed great value in books and stories. Praise the universe, as the world wasn't underwater but lacked gravity, but it had enough where I could still fly by flapping my arms. I had to leave; unfortunately, the sun that was a couple of light-years away was about to explode. I will forever miss Mr. Pulpo.

I learned so much from him; the many monsters and creatures, the fantastic tales of heroes from the various planets, and the beautiful worlds they inhabit. These stories filled me with joy and I wondered if I had to create my own.

And here was my final stop. I landed on nothing. Well, it was something but nothing at the same time. I could walk and think, but it was simply empty. That's when I found a pencil, and I started to make something; from that, something was born.

That's how I became God.

Comments ( 10 )
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Thank you very much for the fave on The Light in the Darkness! :pinkiesmile:

Hiya there, TheFVguy!

So I just read your story, Iโ€™ll Miss You, and I found it to be a stunning work. Then I decided to scroll through your other stories and found two more.

And let me just say: I love your cover arts! I love how simplistic and minimalistic they are. They are also very standard; all three have one line drawing in black on a yellow background, with the same font in black saying the same thing, โ€˜Story Title By: TheFVguyโ€™. You must be the only author Iโ€™ve seen who does that. And I love it!

Second thing. You published two stories in the same 24 hours. Both featured, on the same day, right next to each other! Congratulations! No, seriously, thatโ€™s an amazing achievement. A lot of authors can claim featured stories, but not many can claim to have two stories in the Feature Box at once.

Thatโ€™s all I have to say for now. See ya around, FV!

Thanks for the supportive comment on my fic. I normally wouldnโ€™t let a negative comment get under my skin, but itโ€™s been a tough week. Thanks much. :twilightsmile:

It's about time I did, lol

Thank you for the follow, and for favoriting so many of my stories! :twilightsmile:

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