Stories Involving Disney and MLP 70 members · 65 stories

This is a group where you write stories involving Disney and MLP like the fan fic that Dirty Bit wrote called Are You Ready?

Comments ( 17 )
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369383 alright. I'll submit them

369382 i don't mind what stories they are as long involve mlp and disney

369375 I mean, this is your group, so it's your decision on what stories go in it.

369375 i mean what do you meanyour group, your decision.

369374 what your group, your decision. do you mean

369373 your group, your decision.

369372 i am pretty sure they are allowed

369370 Are they allowed here, even if their MLP versions of Disney movies, but with a twist?

I have now put a folder up

369319 what do you mean

369317 just wonder if they'll be able to be placed here.

369304 stories. MLP versions of some Disney classics, but with my own twist.

369213 already:rainbowhuh: got two of what??

Already got two, and a third one coming up.

  • Viewing 1 - 17 of 17