BPGR 6 members · 0 stories

Hello, This is Fanficfinest12 or FanficOfFaith

I was new to this website since last October 2015. My religion is Islam and I'm a Muslim. I haven't write anything much of my stories because I was lazy. BGFR means 'Bronies and Pegasisters for God and Religion'. This group is dedicated for Bronies who respect for religion because most Bronies and Pegasisters they could not respect about religion. They think that religion is the main problem to this world. For me, I respect religion. I respect God's orders and believe in Him and always have faith in Him. God told us to love each other and not to mock other people's religions. For that, it is sinful. Without religion, we wouldn't believe in God and His teachings. We must get to know each other so that we can be friends and strive for friendship in religion and respect each other's beliefs

You may want to put stories if you want but it must be related according to religions. If it is not related to religion, then I might consider to delete it from the group.

I pray to God that Bronies and Pegasistsers who feel hatred, ignorant and racist about religion will be guided by the Path of God and Light so that we can share other people's stories and will love of religion. I pray to God that all Bronies will unite and be equal with religion, God willing.

By the way, if you are feeling alone or/and needed someone to talk to, please just p.m me. If you have any questions about myself and religion, it would be always my pleasure and I will always answer, God willing. :)

I will make rules and warnings so that you will understand

1. Do not talk negative, talk positive.
2. Don't write an offensive comment about religion.
3. If Bronies who respect and is interested in religion, you can always come. But those who is not respectful or interested about religion, then don't come to this group.
4. Don't be racist to others according to our skin color and religion.
5. Do not be boastful about yourself. Arrogance, ignorance and bigotry is not allowed in this group.
6. Do not talk abusive and not to vulgar. No bullying
7. Be kind, patient and humble.
8. Anyone who says negative or offensive things about religion will be blocked.
9. Post stories if you want, but it must be related according to religion - Islam, Christianity or Judaism etc
10. Be friendly towards others. We are all equal. And no fighting here.
11. Treat others with respect.
12. Learn how to treat people with care.

There would be consequences. If anyone disobeys anyone of my rules, they will be blocked and banned.

Thank you and May God Bless you and guide you to His Straight Path.

I'll leave my best religious songs for you.



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I also made you become a group admin along with Pencil Melody and Vanilla Mocha. You can post threads in the forum because I might not be online til afternoon due to my weekdays of schooling.



It is my welcome to you. We share people's knowledge, learning to care and respecting differences just like my school's vision. And, Praise to God, you have knew the three pillars of Islam - Salat, Sawm and Zakah. Yes, Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) father died before he was born in the Year of the Elephant and became a prophet and messenger at the age of forty. Also, you have knew the history of Saladin of how he took over Jerusalem by the Seljuk Turks. He is one of the best warriors and inspirations in the history of Islam and the Islamic Golden Age. You have known a bit of history of Islam and I'm proud to hear that, Praise to God. I respect all religions including Christianity and Judaism. However our views are different since we believe in different God. Islam means a submission to God and Muslim is a person who submits himself or herself to God. I hope you'll learn more about the history of my religion, Islam, God willing.

If you have any doubts or questions about my religion, don't be shy and please ask me by p.m. I'll also want to learn about Christianity too as a general knowledge.

Thank you and May God Bless you, HallelujahBrony :)


P.S: Try to invite your friends to join in my group, if they are interested, that's good. But if they don't, then that's fine with me because I'm not going to force people. I'm inviting Bronies and Pegasisters to come here for respect of religion. Thank you :)

I am a follower of Jesus and I have a deep respect for Islam for their dedication to prayer, fasting, and to serving the widow and orphan. It isn't surprising since Muhammad himself grew up without his father. In fact, Saladin the Sarasen is in my top ten most inspiring past historic individuals for his mercy and tolerance when retaking Jerusalem. Thank you for inviting me.

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