• Member Since 29th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Darth Redbeard

For Lincoln and Liberty!



This story is a sequel to A Hearth's Warming Eve Story

After three years of waiting, Spike and Sweetie Belle are finally getting married. As the day goes by, what could go wrong for the two as they say "I Do"?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 32 )

Yay! :D

5625603 waited forever to get this out.

Who down voted this? I will kill him/her!!! :flutterrage:

5625614 need back up I'm an inventor.

Got this in Spike and mares humanized shipping for ya

What? (Sorry, don't really get what you mean?)

5625653 I was heading that way on my groups page.

Oh yes...OH YES!!!:pinkiecrazy:

5625678 and that's the radio :pinkiecrazy:

F** yeah! Those haters of this glorious story will wish they never joined the heard! :moustache::pinkiecrazy:

5625733 want to see the can opener

Me too...:rainbowkiss:

5625753 wasn't sure if I wanted to have it out or not. debating with myself a lot.

5628024 I like you follow

5628721 5628633 right now, the next story to this and ILOE might be the last of the series. Still doing the minor stories about how each couple got together and Spike's life before A Great Day, but debating on continuing on even more, going through their honeymoon (not doing that!) all the way to their last days.

Do it! :)

5628728 this would be the longest series I've done.

That was a beautiful ending :raritycry:

This deserve a like and a favorite. Cute and Beautiful. Very good story.

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