Hearts and Hooves day has arrived, and Ponyville will be at the center of a lot of romance.
Couples are
Don't like these couples, Don't read. Simple as that.
For those that like it or not, please leave a comment on anything that confuses you, don't like, like, or anything in general. Thanks.
It was bold. that I liked. it was an ambitious vision. But the pacing was too off. this would have worked better as a chapter story where each couple got a chapter. that way things aren't so rushed. that was my main concern
3967246 Never thought of that.
I'll look into working on that. It also was kind of a spur of the moment story. I took it down for a few days to work on it.
About the band name, couldn't think of any other name in case your wondering.
I'll edit more later.
3967521 Opinion on other couples?
3967571 hmmm, I like the couples you used. a lot of people dislike flashlight, but that's no reason to not write it.
3967604 All of the ones I did have Flashlight. They just need some more work.
Diamond Tiara and Snails
Silver Spoon and Rumble
Twilight and...... I would say Spike, but he is with Sweetie Belle
3983666 I just ignore that episode. And your welcomed to like what you like. It's your choice.
3983928 Well I still ship the PinkieBurn pair and I choose to ignore it as well I was being bothered by someone about it but they're gone right now and and it's silly really in the episode for Pinkie to be a apple family member and the episode never really confirmed she is a pole so she's likely adopted into the family
4004317 I can also understand the CheesePie shipping. it is pretty popular, but everyone still has their own preferences. And Welcome to the PinkieBurn group btw.
eh, not my cup of tea.
and it was bold using flashlight ship.
no one really likes that pair, that's where all the down votes come in, is my guess.
4025310 I did put what couples were in this story before they read it. I'm doing a chapter for each pairing know, and that will take some time.
4025310 meant to say now. Sorry about that
4541717 It's not completed just yet, and for right now, I have other stories to look work on, including one for a contest. The next chapters will be for those that like the Short, Sweet, and to the Point, which is how I usually write. Explain so much, with very few words. I'll have to get back into it when I have some others finished.
Great story, the Soarindash is what brought me In.
5296563 it's going to be redone a bit more
5296563 3967246 3967754 4541717 chapter will be coming down soon and story will be under going major rewrite. I will get this story back up and running.
If your comments disappear, I apologize.
3967246 5296563 This story will be deleted in a few days as to completely redo it as a brand new story. This actually does need to be multiple chapters and have a better description and all that. I'll get the rewrite done soon.
Sounds promising although i like the story i can't wait for the future update rewrite.
Soarindash is my favorite ship in newbie dash i was sooooooooooooooooo happy