Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks · 3:28pm Nov 21st, 2014
Maybe I should have done this earlier, but I'd really like to say that the new EqG movie is pretty good! Like seriously, I know tere was the Sunset Shimmer Demon transformation and stuff, but just look at this:
In my opinion it looks like one of those Final Boss battles, but anyway, it was a good movie, you should also stick around for the credits, there are some nice little cutscenes and then an idea for the sequel:
1771182 I'm taking the time to remember all my followers. Who were you?
I'm sorry I forgot, my mother took me off the site, and fim almost faded from my memory.
1768891 Hi.
1652326 Good, sorry for the long absence.
1756348 Stalking is cool, bro.