Twinkleshine's dreams of stardom, A. K. Yearling's history with Wind Rider, and Cheerilee's mid-life crisis. Yes! These are entries seven, eight, and nine of Blue Chameleon VI's Writeoff Contestants for the Prompt: "Keep Pretending"
Rumor has it that there's a very intriguing painting on display at the Canterlot Art Museum. It's attracted the affluent, the famous, the critics... and the attention of the authorities investigating the elite patrons' disappearances.
Rumor has it that there's a very intriguing painting on display at the Canterlot Art Museum. It's attracted the affluent, the famous, the critics... and the attention of the authorities investigating the elite patrons' disappearances.
Rumor has it that there's a very intriguing painting on display at the Canterlot Art Museum. It's attracted the affluent, the famous, the critics... and the attention of the authorities investigating the elite patrons' disappearances.
Under an old obligation, Spitfire goes to see how former Wonderbolt champion Wind Rider is managing. Neither of them are particularly happy with the arrangement, especially with his scandal still fresh on their minds.