This story is a sequel to Keep Pretending, Two of Three
Twinkleshine's dreams of stardom, A. K. Yearling's history with Wind Rider, and Cheerilee's mid-life crisis. Yes! These are entries seven, eight, and nine of Blue Chameleon VI's Writeoff Contestants for the Prompt: "Keep Pretending"
The Twinkle Must Shine On
Drama, Sad
“Kill or be Killed, Miss Yearling. Kill or be Killed.”
Daring Do, Wind Rider
Drama, Slice of Life
Cheerilee's Five
Adventure, Drama
Wow. An interaction between two ponies that I'd never have thought of, and yet proved immensely fascinating. (And unsettling in all the right ways.)
Really hope Rainbow never learns about this side of her hero...
This was a wonderful read. Bittersweet, but perfectly so.
It's perfectly fine and believe me, I understand. I'm just happy that my comments made you so happy, and I really appreciate the watch as well!
(And about the Twinkleshine chapter... I liked it, but the fact was that at the time I read it I couldn't really think of much specific to say about it beyond "interesting take on a character I'd never thought about before"... I dunno. I did like it, I just couldn't think of much to say at the time.)
Blue Chameleon comment preserved post-deletion: