Lightning Dust has been in a bit of a rut ever since getting kicked out of the Wonderbolt Academy. Day after day, she's been sticking to a strict exercise regimen under the guidance of Cloudsdale's premier personal trainer, Haymaker. Her hope is that she'll unlock her true potential and show Haymaker how awesome she is, thus prompting him to use his connections to get her back into the Wonderbolts. No matter how many times Haymaker tells her it's impossible, Lightning simply refuses to listen.

Then one fateful night, Lightning Dust's training is interrupted by the appearance of her greatest idol, Wind Rider. It turns out he too has difficulty accepting reality, and he has his own, more nefarious schemes to get himself back in the game. Haymaker sees this as his last chance to save Lightning Dust from walking Wind Rider's path. And if that means rubbing salt in a few wounds and shattering a few dreams, then so be it.

Cover art provided by the amazingly talented Cyrano.

Chapters (1)

Lightning Dust, Wind Rider...how many dreams have been crushed because of her? Soarin, however, sees differently.

Set right after Rarity Investigates.

Chapters (1)

Rumor has it that there's a very intriguing painting on display at the Canterlot Art Museum. It's attracted the affluent, the famous, the critics... and the attention of the authorities investigating the elite patrons' disappearances.

Amazing reading by Pony&Wolf Productions here!

Written for a "Three Rules" Panic Fiction contest for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group. We each had 3 prompts related to a theme, my theme I received was "color", and my rules were:

1. Your fic must name at least three colors named in it.
2. Your fic must have a version of the words "vivid" and "dull" in it (adjective or adverbs or verbs or names or whatever).
3. Your fic must describe a color in an unusual way, or with words normally used for a different sense (crisp yellow, loud purple).

You can take the quiz for deciding the prompt here if you're curious. We (Quills and Sofas) are on Discord here if you'd like to join us for more writing madness.

Chapters (1)

Hearth's Warming is a wonderful time of year for most ponies. Getting together, singing, eating traditional foods, seeing old friends… and family.

But when that family is broken, or trying to heal, sometimes things can be a little harder.

Written for Admiral Biscuit, who requested some slice of life flavored with secondary background pones, as his Jinglemas 2023 gift! These may not be the most obscure, but theirs is a burgeoning family dynamic that I appreciated seeing. Cover art by mlplary6, source in image.

CW: Divorce, brief discussion of toxic relationships

Chapters (1)

My own twist on the events of Rarity Investigates S5E15 MLP:FiM

Rainbow Dash is furious. Hurt. Betrayed.

After everything she's done for Equestria, the Wonderbolts, and Soarin, this is how she's repaid? Her anger at the Wonderbolts burns hot, but it's the agony from their Commander's betrayal that cuts the deepest.

Determined to set things right, Soarin Skies, spurred on by Wave Chill's uplifting words, sets off to seek forgiveness from the mare who has captured his heart since the Grand Galloping Gala.

Can Rainbow find it in her heart to forgive him?

Will his heartfelt apology mend their fractured friendship and perhaps lead to something more profound?

"Sad and sweet I guess?" — raa raa.

A Soarindash fanfic | raa_raa_reads // 18k word count!
There is no clop, SADLY :raritydespair: Just EXTREMELY detailed language and jokes! :scootangel: All Rights Reserves. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Wonderbolts have a duty to Equestria. In the case of Spitfire, however, duty does not stop there.

Ex-Wonderbolt Wind Rider, now dishonourably discharged, is living out his days on the seedier side of Manehattan. Under her own secret obligations, and certainly not because she wants to, Spitfire seeks him out and spends a few hours with him, giving him some company.

If both of them can agree on one thing, it's that this constitutes several hours too many.

Chapters (1)

Following an accident involving Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts meet Old Silver, Spitfire's estranged brother, as well as learning he lost his wings due to his sister's arrogance. But once Rainbow and Scootaloo are summoned by the map to repair Spitfire and Silver's relationship, all four will find themselves getting caught up a journey of revenge and redemption.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Why?

It's Hearth's Warming and Dash like most of the population of Equestria are preparing for a day of spending time with their loved ones. However a chance meeting with Wind Rider shows her that not everypony is as fortunate for some the holidays can be very lonely.

She tries to help her former enemy reconnect with his family for the holiday, even if her target doesn't seem to appreciate it and might not deserve it.

My second attempt at a story in the shows cannon and this years Christmas special.

Chapters (1)

Wind Rider has been stripped of his Wonderbolt's status; all his accomplishments left in the dust of the great Rainbow Dash. Now he'll spend the rest of his days reminiscing over when he was the idol of young pegasi all over Equestria. But when he meets the pony who inspired him to become a Wonderbolt though, he gains a new perspective.

Created as my Drama entry for the 2023 Thousand Words Contest.

Chapters (1)

Set just into Rainbow Dash's supposed initiation into the Wonderbolts, Wind Rider is pondering his next move, indeed, what his new world is likely to be. And he is not going to go without drawing some blood.

Chapters (1)