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TCB: Welcome to Earth, we hope you enjoyed your bombing... err stay Equestria appears in the middle of the Pacific ocean mere days before the most decisive battle of the Pacific; Midway. Boy, are they in for a shocker. 1,890 words · 556 · 44
'Tis Better to be Feared 'Tis Better to Be Feared than to be loved. Nightmare Moon holds to this credo closely, but is it true? Her human adviser doesn't think so. 1,479 words · 513 · 22
Twilight Sparkle picks up Human Military Com-Trans The girls decide to listen in on alien transmissions. But will they like what they hear? 2,273 words · 959 · 39
2406466 It means they're banned.
What's that strike along your name?
2339570 I felt like deleting them one day.
What's with all the deleted comments?
Thanks for favouriting "Fallout: Equestria Girls"
Got to admit, I was surprised. What prompted you to do so?