Name: Saturn IV
Sex: Male (XY)
Age: 15-16
Location: North Carolina
How I got into MLP: A "friend" of mine pestered me to watch it. I got hooked after watching Griffon the Brush Off.
MLP preferences:
Favourite races:
1. Dragons (Flying fire-breathers! Who doesn't love those?)
2. Griffons (Tough creatures that has hands and go toe-to-toe against ponies.)
3. Changelings (Transform into anyone. The possibilities are endless! They shouldn't have to rely on love to sustain themselves, though.)
Favourite characters:
1. Gilda
2. Princess Ember
3. Queen Chrysalis
1. Star Wars. (I watched the first film on DVD a few years ago. Got into it and never looked back.)
2. Comedies. (If it makes me laugh, I like it.)
1. Anthro (Mixing ponies and humans?
2. The new changeling's look. (They look like gay fairies and shit. Eww.)
[Will add more later. WIP.]
If you wanna contact me: I'll be online on weekdays at night and maybe the entire day on weekends, never afternoons because of real-life matters.
Dar name though...
It has earned you a follow
You have the best name.
You got posted onto the Staff board. Prepare for ban.
2326968 10-q!
Welcome to
HellThe Group Dedicated To The Group Dedicated To Doing Whatever We Want, Whenever We WantWe hope you enjoy your stay!
the colored brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
testing testing 123
Thank you for the watch
. Also, (even though I'm a month late) welcome to FimFic 
Welcome to FIMFiction, and thanks for the watch!