With time ticking out, and no other options left to them, the rulers of Equestria turn to the lone human in Equestria to save them from Chrysalis' plot.
Equestria has been saved, and the space pirate menace is no more. Now all that is left for Samus is to wait for the federation diplomats, and enjoy her impromptu vacation. Provided no one touches her helmet.
Spike's bed isn't the most comfirtable thing and in an attempt to find a better place to sleep he ends up sleep walking and using his friends as beds to find the most comfortable one.
Followed for the hilarious blogs lol
Good, a man of culture.
Tits, but a nice ass is also appreciated.
Serious question: tits or ass?
Oh, right, back when I actually managed to publish anything.
It says you have 4 stories posted, and I do see 3 there.
Wait, I do?
True, and you also post stories.
This is moderate compared to my blogging.
I constantly shit post, so welcome to hell. :)
Nice blogs, take a follow.
Thanks for the follow!
You look like a nice fella, have a follow!
Thanks for the watch!
Thanks for the follow!
Thanks for the follow!
Thank you for the watch. May I ask how I earned it?
Thank you kindly for that follow! The FIlly Armed and Operational BattleStation welcomes you aboard.
Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, awesome possum!
Admiral Snuggles appreciates your support
Thanks for considering A Demon in Equestria a Good Story