Octavia never ceases to be impressed by her marefriend Vinyl, a dhampony who has too much time on her hoofs as it is thanks to her extended lifespan.
One thing Vinyl chose to spend her extended time on is her bottle cap collection, among other things.
There isn't enough mundane slice of life OctaScratch with dhampony/vampony Vinyl so I will provide.
I love this
Okay this was really freaking cute
In the world of bottle cap collecting Vinyl has a long standing rivalry with James.
Anyway this was short but sweet
Cute but needs proofreading.
Well should the apocalypse happen they are set for cash.
Can I say how much I love your dialogue? Coz I do. You make me want to write another vinyl and Octavia slice of life story where one has a weird supernatural quirk that isn't explained to complement the first one I did.