• Member Since 6th May, 2020
  • offline last seen Oct 22nd, 2023


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Found 6 stories in 173ms

Total Words: 19,832
Estimated Reading: 1 hour


Octavia never ceases to be impressed by her marefriend Vinyl, a dhampony who has too much time on her hoofs as it is thanks to her extended lifespan.
One thing Vinyl chose to spend her extended time on is her bottle cap collection, among other things.

There isn't enough mundane slice of life OctaScratch with dhampony/vampony Vinyl so I will provide.

Chapters (1)

Set in an alternate universe, Applejack Apple, daughter of very creative parents, has opened a restaurant and now has to face certain obstacles that happen to happen in it with her crew of workers.

This is based on the board game Kitchen Rush, at least the generel idea and outlay of the restaurant is. Character conflict, the thing I'm trying to focus the story on, is hopefully original.

Chapters (3)

After having an already fantastic day, Octavia makes the claim that she can hold the entire world in her hands.
Vinyl is not convinced.

This is just shameless tooth-rotting OctaScratch fluff.

Chapters (1)

Carol Martelé, a violinist, falls hopelessly in love with phonograph enthusiast Jingle Jolly.
But their love wasn't meant to as fate pulled them apart.

Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch are here too.

Based on "A Hearth's Warming Tail" if the characters were their own ponies.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and her girlfriend, whose unconventional work hours she used to get out of previous events organized by her job, are invited to her job's christmas party.
Only problem is: Rainbow Dash doesn't have a girlfriend. And the one person that is free to help her is the last person she would ever want to see: Vinyl Scratch.

Based on (with slight changes) a tumblr post
Tagged teen for mild profanity, I'm not taking chances.

Chapters (1)

Follow this Alternate Universes Twilight Sparkle as she attempts to prove her clients innocent and get a Not Guilty verdict with the help of her self proclaimed assistant Babs Seed and roommate Trixie Lulamoon

This is an AU based on the Ace Attorney series, a personal favorite of mine.

Chapters (4)