• Member Since 4th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Jul 21st, 2023


I am into history, whether it be on warfare or maritime disasters. Also a Titanic enthusiast excited for Titanic Honor and Glory.

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Blog Posts

  • 245 weeks
    USS Arizona Story

    Anybody know what happened to that USS Arizona story that was quite popular in the recent days? I have noticed that it seems deleted.

    10 comments · 735 views
  • 247 weeks
    General Burkhalter as a Pony

    Oh boy... You guys better get creative with this one. Basically, I want to know what people would think of General Burkhalter if he got turned into a pony and what he would look like. I already have my name for him heh... General Windbreaker.

    2 comments · 237 views
  • 252 weeks
    Klink as a Pony

    Okay, I have another post for you all. Could you Imagine the good Kommandant Klink as a pony? If so, what do you think his cutie mark is, what would his job be, and where would he live?

    4 comments · 256 views
  • 255 weeks
    Sergeant Schultz as a Pony

    Now, this is just a general question for you all to deliberate on, but how would the ever loveable Sergeant Schultz look like as a pony. More importantly, what would his Cutie Mark and profession be? My guess is toy maker but I would like to know everyone else's ideas.

    10 comments · 287 views

USS Arizona Story · 1:57am Mar 27th, 2020

Anybody know what happened to that USS Arizona story that was quite popular in the recent days? I have noticed that it seems deleted.

Report JustAnotherHistoryBuff · 735 views ·
Comments ( 19 )
  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19

What a shame that you left the page, you wrote a few of the historical fics that were interesting on the site

Hey m8, are you alright?

Lets just say life has not been too good.


Wait? What do you mean? What happen? Are you all right?

Waiting for life to take a turn in Florida.... God have mercy upon me.

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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