• Member Since 12th Nov, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday


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  • 176 weeks
    Finally got a new monitor

    Finally got a new monitor for my sweet Dell Rustback. God bless this website and the good people working on it for keeping it running so damn smoothly on Windows XP :yay:
    And a working secondary computer means more content in the near future :raritywink:

    0 comments · 159 views
  • 221 weeks
    New Avatar

    So, I have made a new avatar :) A crude but stylized representation of the elements of harmony.

    I do admit it is kinda gaudy and I only put in about 10 min of effort into it on a whim. But I think it is kinda neat and it does appear to be standing out from the herd, so to speak.

    Software vise I used Deluxe Paint II in CGA mode to make it. DosBox is pretty amazing :)

    0 comments · 249 views
  • 234 weeks
    Website no longer works on me browser...

    So I usually like to type up my stories on a Windows xp machine with Opera 34 it was outdated for a long time but the website worked fine until recently: now it's kinda broken... Help plz... I really like my old computer...

    NV I had my system clock set to a wrong month..., I am a dumb as a mule but Dell Rustback is back in the saddle :eeyup:

    0 comments · 240 views

Finally got a new monitor · 7:32pm Mar 11th, 2021

Finally got a new monitor for my sweet Dell Rustback. God bless this website and the good people working on it for keeping it running so damn smoothly on Windows XP :yay:
And a working secondary computer means more content in the near future :raritywink:

Report ComradeCheese · 159 views ·
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Thanks for the favorite!

Thank you for liking my story Uni-Pecker ^^

Thank you for adding Achievement Unlocked: Alicorn Princess to your favorites!

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