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- DawnFade · 71k words · 8,084 129 · 122k views
My best
Queen of Nothing Nightmare Moon returned to Equestria, and now sits and contemplates her existence. by Slateblu1 4,944 words · 349 · 5
The First Step Less than a week after the fall formal, Sunset gets called in to the principals office. Again. If only she knew what she did wrong this time. by Slateblu1 2,230 words · 580 · 9
Stargazing Together Luna's mind is fractured, broken. If she is going to return as a princess of Equestria, she needs time to heal, as much as she can. But who is going to help her heal, and who will she be at the end of it all? by Slateblu1 51,746 words · 186 · 12
The best things I've written.
People who think I'm good. (I disagree)
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Here to make your day 'cuz why not
Thank you! Made it myself.
My pleasure!
I don't know. Most of her story has been my story thus far. I've written this as a way for me to deal with what I've been going through. I'm also not sure what the next story in the series should be yet. I don't have any plans to write more yet, but I also wouldn't say it's over.
Hi! I just gotta ask.. are you planning on continuing Sunset's story anytime soon? I loved the story so far and I know she's still got some ways to go. I'd love to keep seeing the journey continue.
If you decided to end it there, that's okay. I just want you to know that it's a really great story. Really in-depth and emotional and presented really, really well and clear. It's a battle not everyone can understand, and in a way your writing helped with the understanding.
Keep up being awesome and being yourself