• Member Since 31st Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen July 8th


Mostly an artist but I write stuff sometimes

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Hello! Nothing to see here. Unless you would like to get to know me;

I'm Chast! Some of my friends also call me Liana :>
I only made this account mostly to fav, track and comment on fics! I'm not much of a writer, really. I do enjoy telling stories occasionally though.
I'm currently a Uni student majoring in an Art course so chances are you won't see me around a lot ^^

If you would like to check out my Deviantart account where I post art, feel free to look me up under the same username!
You may also find me on other websites under the username EnraptureEnchanted.

Feel free to drop by a little hello here as well!

Have an absolutely great day! ^^

Comments ( 25 )
  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25

You don't get notifications when you get featured. You just get on one day and see it in there as a pleasant surprise. Our two stories kept butting heads for first place. Since yours seems to be ongoing (incomplete), then when it drops off, I'm certain that every update will bring it back into the bottom three, where past featured stories that get updated go.

Congrats to you too.

OHHH I did not know haha
I didn't get a notification or anything for it XD
Thanks so much for telling me and congratulations on getting featured!! :heart::yay:

The featured box. You didn't notice your story is in there? On the front page.

Hi! Sorry, what do you mean box? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the term if it has anything to do with fimfiction haha

Looks like our stories are butting heads in the box

  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25
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