• Member Since 27th Sep, 2023
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Hello! after seeing and reading some stories I decided to share my own ideas!

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  • 7 weeks
    I am back!

    So, I have been gone for what 2 maybe even 3 months, now I have no excuses I really just wasn't in the mood to write. However, I am back and will continue writing what happens when my two stories end will be up to the winds of the future. I do hope you can forgive me for being gone so long, and also new chapters will be out very soon I hope to have three or maybe even four out per story.

    0 comments · 21 views
  • 29 weeks
    New (Maybe permanent profile picture)

    So I have decided to create a new story with some ideas I have. My motivation for Twilight's Revelation is dry at the moment so yeah... My new profile picture is an oc which you may or may not see.

    0 comments · 48 views

I am back! · 9:22pm June 7th

So, I have been gone for what 2 maybe even 3 months, now I have no excuses I really just wasn't in the mood to write. However, I am back and will continue writing what happens when my two stories end will be up to the winds of the future. I do hope you can forgive me for being gone so long, and also new chapters will be out very soon I hope to have three or maybe even four out per story.

Report -Personwrites- · 21 views ·
Comments ( 19 )
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You’re welcome.

And another special thank you to Wertyui, Artist, Blaze-Saber, Nonnyaddic69, and Ghostrider1996 for following me! And another thanks to Dark Wrex! And finally to the 255 total reads both my stories have so far it makes me ecstatic to know that people enjoy them, I'm not in it for the views but I love to know that people enjoy them and I can provide even a slice of happiness to someone.

Thanks again,

Special thanks To Artist! And to everyone who has enjoyed "Twilight's Revelation" and "The Truth Unveiled at Twilight" neither is over and I don't plan on ending either anytime soon! But you will most likely have to be patient for new chapters, I hope you can all understand... To be honest I was not expecting the love if you want to call it from other authors and users, I just want to thank all those authors and users for their exceptional kindness. If there are any questions about my books or other questions I will do my best to answer. Thank you all for the support, and I hope that my writing is adequate, and I wish you a good morning/afternoon/ night!

-Personwrites- ( or just Person)

Yay hope you enjoy

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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