• Member Since 18th Apr, 2014
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"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." - Ernest Hemingway


The San Francisco Police Department never called Adrian Monk for the easy cases. And this was one of the weirdest.

A top scientist had been found dead...at least, the part they found. He had been found lying with half of his body inside what appeared to be some sort of portal...and the other half? No one knew. Foul play was not suspected until it was revealed that his assistant was also missing, along with a device that could have dire implications for the Multiverse...

Cover art by the talented IrradiatedPirateBooty! I highly recommend their work!

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 65 )

H'wa?! <sputters>

This is an achievement to go down in the history books.

My goodness is this something I've been hoping for, and with perfect cover art as well.

I read a Psych crossover some months ago, but I haven't watched that nearly as much as Monk.

Insta-liked and tracking this. (Y'know what, I'll favorite this too, if that'll increase the chances of exposure at all.)

"As a matter of fact, I do!" He looked around, still smiling, then drew a breath, raised his hands, and spread his fingers theatrically as he said in an awestruck voice, " MAGIC ..." You could hear a pin drop as everyone in the room simply stared at him. Mistaking their silence for "admiration," he continued. "I know, right? But, it's the only thing that makes sense!"

Funny that one of Randy's absolute bonkers ideas will actually be somewhat correct for once.

In short, he was in HELL.

:rainbowlaugh: Yeah, Monk's definitely going to have a bit of a rough start in Equestria. I forsee absolutely no freaking out. None at all.

And on the off chance that no one else but me notices this, (which would be a tragedy), I will still follow this great idea to the very end.

Oh my. I never knew I needed this, but I'm so very glad to have it. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

As someone who remembers watching Monk and can relate to him being compulsive due to being like that in IRL, I am really looking forward to seeing how Monk will react to learning that magic is very real and actually exists. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm already visualizing him and Twilight getting into a heated debated about science and magic. lol

Thank you all! I was hoping I'd find some Monk fans!

But that's just it. Magic is science. Or at least, a science. Remember Twilight's soap box speech in "Feeling Pinkie Keen"? Magic has rules and can be measured, controlled, stored, and quantified. Unless you're Pinkie Pie or Discord, Magic tends to make sense. Like gravity or electromagnetism or the strong and weak atomic forces.

You're very welcome! I'd never expected to come across fans of Monk here until now. lol

I am so disappointed that I didn’t think of this idea…

Probably won't have time to read this for a little while, and I'm only familiar with the show because my mom used to enjoy watching it (and because of a certain Ponies the Anthology clip). I would like to say this while I have the chance, though:

Brace yourself, Monk. It's a jungle out there.

You're welcome, and congrats on your story being featured.

Natalie might as well be the cutest pony ever in that cover art.

(And if anyone wants to read the Psych story I mentioned, it's this.)

TMagic, and Mayhem, and... Murder? Oh my...
Shawn Spencer, fake psychic detective, goes where no man has gone before.
Invictus · 138k words  ·  990  21 · 13k views

For a brony, Equestria is a fantasy land. For Adrian Monk, it's a hellscape.

"There are ponies everywhere. Touching things with their hooves. The same hooves they use to walk. On the dirt."

OMFG, I'm so happy that I checked the Featured box today! I used to love Monk. It's so hard to find obscure crossovers that weren't abandoned years ago. Plus, this one is very well-written! I look forward to seeing where this goes.

Disorder and confusion everywhere!

:pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

I was excited when I saw this, I am even more hyped after reading this first chapter. The Administration shall monitor this reality

On another note, please add a crossover tag.

That's not all! 99% of the population... are naked.
I sense he'll get along well with Rarity (and in some aspects, Fluttershy).

Oh yes...
Forgot about that.
I could see him getting along with Rarity too, but if she finds out he wears the same outfit every day, it won't be pretty.

I didn't expect a MONK fanfic on MLP fiction site! Nice!

Just read the chapter again. All I can say is :pinkiehappy:.

I wonder if his cutie mark will be a magnifying glass or a Wet Wipe®.


I didn't expect a MONK fanfic on <a> MLP fiction site! Nice!

You'll thank me later.

The OCDs have entered the chat.

Oh, this is beautiful.

This might have gone on for several more minutes before another pony, this time a green one in a cowboy hat, of all things, said, "Pinkie! Give the gal a break!" The green one smiled at the frazzled newcomer and added, "Sorry about that, hon, but Pinkie can be a little...excitable. Pay her no mind." She tipped her hat and said, "Ah'm Applejack. Pleased ta meet ya!"

Applejack is orange. The only thing green on her is her eyes.

THANK you! I must be tired, and the color blindness hits me HARD when I don't get enough sleep.

This. I like this. This is very good. I will be following this one closely

I can't blame Natalie for acting like an young little girl who has their fantasy of becoming a unicorn coming true after learning that she's been transformed into an actual unicorn. lol

Now I'm visualizing of her freaking out if she was transformed into a bat pony and be screaming "OMG I DON'T WANNA BE A VAMPIRE PONY!!! WHY COULDN'T I HAVE BEEN A UNICORN INSTEAD?!"

And of course I can't blame Monk for freaking out at the end of this chapter, can't say I blame him though. :rainbowlaugh:

Funny thing. I had started rewatching Mr. Monk and stumbled across this.... my excitement levels are high :)

He got to his hooves and galloped off through the underbrush and past the trees, but not before yelling over his shoulder, "Three daaaaaaaayyys..."

He does sound like a comic book villian. That almost had me laughing right there.
Great second chapter.

🥛Hope this doesn't cause any issues.

This makes me laugh. Want more.

NO ONE expects the Spanish...oh wait..that's another franchise.

Never mind, carry on...

Going to be reading this in a minute. I'm just curious what caused you to write this? Love the show watched the movie.

That ending is such a Monk moment. It's not the little talking dragon but the milk and the fact that his food is touching each other that breaks him.

I like how Natalie completely understands Monk. For some reason I thought that she and Spike would get along quite well even competing for the title of 'Number 1 Assistant'.

But the most interesting thing I caught from this chapter is found in this line:

"You...ain't from around here, are yah?"

It almost seems to imply that this isn't Applejack's first 'Humans Transported to Equestria' rodeo.

When did Natalie learn to use her horn?

Hey, I would've actually left it alone if it was any other story, but it was an opportunity for a reference to the show itself in this case.:twilightsheepish:

I honestly wasn't expecting another update so soon. Awesome! So far, Monk seems perfectly in-character. I wasn't expecting a "Men in Black" cameo. I was annoyed by the few randomly capitalized words ("Human," "Unicorn," etc.). Asides from that, loved the chapter.

Can't believe I glossed over that scene.:facehoof:
Nice catch.

I have not even read this yet, and I love it already just for the premise.

I'm just can't wait for the eventual meeting between Discord, Monk, and Twilight. Chaos versus OCD versus neuroticism its going to make me laugh so hard.

I've been a fan of the show for years, and I was about to give up after searching derpibooru for hours looking for a ponified-Monk pic, and coming up empty-handed. I saw an opportunity when there was an artist advertising their services on the Art For Fanfiction Group. I wasn't sure I was going to write this one, until I contacted the artist and commissioned this cover art. The artist did SUCH a good job I was inspired to pour my energies into this project.

That, and I love the character Monk, so I thought, "What would happen if someone like him showed up in Equestria?" And, here we are!

I always leave little clues in my stories for readers to pick up, but sometimes, they're a bit too subtle.

Note that when Natalie and Tennyson arrived in Equestria, it was high noon, but several hours had passed by the time she found Mr. Monk, and by then, the Sun was setting. Within that time, she had met with Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six, and she had plenty of time to get up to speed on the basics of Unicorn magic. Given how excited she was to become one, and given the fact she was in the company of the MOST OCD pony on the planet, it's a wonder levitation was all she displayed!

Also note, from Monk's perspective, he wasn't in the forest but a few minutes. I probably didn't make it clear, but there was a time jump between the three of them going through the portal: Natalie and her captor arrived several hours BEFORE Monk did, even though back on Earth he jumped in directly behind them.

I plan to explore this aspect of the portal in later chapters.

This is hilarious! I'm left grinning like an idiot reading this! :rainbowlaugh:

Poor Monk! This is a bit much for his addled brain! :rainbowlaugh:

This is amazing I can hear it in their voices as I read it.

In a single chapter, Monk's opinion regarding Rarity and Twilight has grown positively exponentially; and while I don't think Monk capable of harboring ill feelings toward anyone he doesn't suspect of being a criminal, Rainbow Dash has ruined any chance of him ever touching on windows again in his life.

Pinkie will be a nightmare for him... unless her impossible party cannon can somehow blast confetti symmetrically.

Speaking like a sleepwalker, Randy slowly said, "I'll...be...just...like...Monk..." <SNIP>
"This can't possibly go wrong..."


Hope this will be a decent read, and I expect to see Mr. Monk absolutely destroyed from the fact he has to keep touching the ground with his "hands".

What's Monk doing for water, he only drinks Sierra Springs

Dang, I was late to this. Oh well.

What more could a Master Thief ask for? No...a GRAND Master Thief!

Ok, this guy is definitely a villain straight out of some kids show or something.
Not that this isn't already technically based on a kids show.

She stared at him. "What...what's wrong, Mr. Monk?" But he didn't answer, as his eyes were frozen in a rictus stare at something over her shoulder. She turned slowly around, and at the window, there was a set of blue buttocks pressed firmly against the glass, with a distinctive "lighting bolt" mark on each of the cheeks.


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