150 favorites...Are you guys insane or something? · 9:32pm Nov 1st, 2012
So... Here I come, posting the first 3 rewritten chapters of My Little Okama...And before I know it, I'm the 8th featured story, get about 400 views in half an hour and a dozen new favorites...
Seriously, are you guys monitoring me or something?
Moving on... I'm working right now on the next rewritten chapter. Hopefully, I should be able to put everything that had been made previously in only 2 more chapters. And then, on to new contents!
So, I take it you aren't actually going to do a:
Thank you for the favorite on Address Unknown! I appreciate your interest very much and hope I can keep you coming back for more!
Lieia thanks for the steak.
310941 Thank you, I couldn't find manlier yet heartwarming xD
I just came to say I love your current Avatar 030.