• Member Since 17th Jun, 2013
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What the hell did I expect, I've always been a train wreck - Mandopony


I still exist... kinda · 8:02pm Aug 1st, 2016

Self explanatory blog post again.

It's just... I began to write on The Friends That Grief and was totally happy and I had good ideas...

And then one morning I woke up, sat down, opened up a new chapter, started to write...

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918044 i have no talent in wrightng. Scheing, musick, and fighting im your guy. Wrighting? No. Allthough i sould love to do it imhave no ability to.

That may be true but I still won't write it, but feel free to write a spin-off if you really want it. :twilightsmile:


True, but by the reason of losing the one who treats you indiffrently dies and your family is taken away from you, you are driven to do some searosuly dangerous and evil things out of greaf. I know.:twilightangry2:


Well, this might disappoint you but, I won't. Maybe I will add a Shining Armor reaction to it but I won't do something else. The reason why? Amethyst Sheen, Twilight, knows WHY Chrysalis attacked Canterlot, she was hungry, she was desperate, that's why Twilight won't take revenge on Chrysalis.


Pleas update a next scean in clestias protgee, like a alternet endine to the show where your twilight goes beserk and start attacking charslis for destroing her hive. A bit of deep rooted pain and vengence never hurt someone... well maby nightmare moon.crona if your a lunavers pony.

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