Big Mac has always been a bit of a mystery to Rainbow Dash; as he is to many of Ponyville's residents. One night, she spends some time getting to know him.
Spike struggles with Applejack's death as he contemplates his own existence, realising he has many years to go before he is reunited with his beloved mare.
It's a well known fact that the best place to drown out sorrow is a pub. And what better to drown it with than with friends, banter and some Sweet Apple Cider!
hey buddy. its me applespikefan85. had to get an new account since i forgot the password. and couldn't get a blasted new password from this site. but whatever. following you again.
Shame this guy is gone.
2429104 Roger dodger batman.
hey buddy. its me applespikefan85. had to get an new account since i forgot the password. and couldn't get a blasted new password from this site. but whatever. following you again.