• Member Since 4th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen July 19th


"Write about what really interests you, whether it is real things or imaginary things, and nothing else." -C. S. Lewis


Achievement Unlocked · 2:55pm Nov 16th, 2018

I have 100 watchers, HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Deep Breath*
So I feel I should do something for this, So I'm going to open an Ask Me Anything here in the comments, through the end of the month I will take all questions in the comments here.

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Comments ( 46 )
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Current progress of next chapter is 80% Just hit a block on a plot point I overlooked. Editor and I are slogging through it.

You believe the Noble has died it’s death?
Tis a lie!
Noble will die only when I am 6ft under!

Hey, Nova.
I hope that this finds you well.
Just curious as to how progress on Among Hives is coming along.
PLEASE tell me you haven't abandoned it.

Thanks for reading and enjoying "Every Five Hundred Years." I really appreciate it! :twilightsmile:

Yes it has, 10hr workdays and social obligations tend to slow down the writing process

So, it's been a while.

What happened to the story on the hives. I really want more. :fluttershysad:

  • Viewing 37 - 46 of 46
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