
Viewing 1 - 20 of 202 results

September AMA [And Patreon] · 5:55pm Sep 7th, 2015

Hey guys, I'm sorry I missed out on the first of the month for posting the AMA, but it sort of slipped my mind because of two things:

1. School has been really giving it to me. And we aren't talking "Well, now that we've got the candles lit and the lube all prepped, how about we try something faster and harder", we're talking full-on American Psycho bullshit.

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Report Regidar · 601 views · #AMA #September AMA #patreon

January AMA (and some quick updates) · 11:24pm Jan 2nd, 2016

First of the month, my fine followers, so you all know what that means! It's time for another Ask Me Anything, where you get to


"ask me anything"

So don't let modesty or common courtesy or shyness or social etiquette hold you back; ask me anything your hearts desire.

I've swapped my avatar as per the usual; say goodbye to Kristmas Kurt, hello to Jamie Stewart of Xiu Xiu!

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Report Regidar · 504 views · #AMA #january ama #updates

It has officially been three years! · 7:48am May 16th, 2016

That's right. Exactly three years ago today, I uploaded Brushed Away on this website, which was not only my first story on Fimfiction, but my first story well... ever. And in the three years I've been on this site, I've gotten a huge amount of fans, friends, collaborators, and so much more. And for that, I have nothing but my utmost thanks to everyone who's been following me and my work.

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Report TheVClaw · 505 views · #AMA

200 followers AMA · 7:05am Dec 24th, 2015

In celebration of me hitting 200 followers, I'm going to do yet another Ask Me Anything! It can be related to any pony or non-pony topics, including real-life shit! Ask me shit! Abandon your shame! Things may have changed since my last AMA. :raritywink:

<3 DarqFox

Report GjallarFox · 415 views · #AMA

Ask Me Anything! · 6:57am May 26th, 2019

I’m a narcissistic fuckface who hasn’t written a good story in years. Give me the attention I desperately crave by asking me anything!

Report Super Trampoline · 307 views · #AMA

August AMA · 10:23am Aug 2nd, 2015

Hope you had a good first of the month, friends. I've decided that every month I'm gonna do an Ask Me Anything (AMA) blog because 1. I like to interact with my followers and 2. answers questions from random internet strangers gives me the closest sensation to orgasm that I'll ever receive, so ask away. It can be stupid, profound, entertaining, silly, or serious. I'll answer anything at all for anyone and all.

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Report Regidar · 653 views · #AMA #August AMA

Silver Standard Halftime. Ask Me Anything! · 2:40am Oct 13th, 2015

So! As my outline stands, we are officially in the middle of The Silver Standard. ...More or less.

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Report PatchworkPoltergeist · 650 views · #AMA

March/April AMA · 2:14pm Mar 31st, 2017

Since tomorrow is April Fool's Day and it's always been a historically bad idea to post blogs on that day, I figured I would do an AMA today since I conveniently forgot to do one at the beginning of the month
Silly me
This'll also cover April since we're nearly upon that

Although at this point I have to wonder if there's really any legitimate reason to doing these anymore since I've been doing them monthly for over a year and by now most of the questions have already been asked

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Report Regidar · 490 views · #AMA

AMA 2017 · 7:57pm Jan 30th, 2017

hey guys, consider this an Ask Me Anything for both January and February. It's been a while since I've done this, so I know you're all just positively overflowing with inquisitive goo that you need me to fertilize with my informative jelly. Well, not to worry! To all my followers new and old, these blogs are where you can ask me anything, from something as mundane as "what did you eat for breakfast today?" to something as deep and thought provoking as "what did you eat for lunch today?"

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Report Regidar · 693 views · #AMA

Surviving Sand Island and General AMA · 5:10am Aug 13th, 2018

Hey all, I guess I've been quiet for a little while now. But I've merely been enjoying a lot of extended time at the beach and making the most out of all this new free time I've found myself with since finishing Surviving Sand Island. I'm not sure if it's ironic or what, but I'm not going to complain about the opportunity to laze in the sun and embrace my Italian heritage. I mean, if you can't conquer the known world,

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Report The 24th Pegasus · 590 views · #AMA

yall want an AMA or somethin' at any time in the near future? · 5:15am Nov 26th, 2019

'cause I'm about to start Thanksgiving Break soon and I'm gonna be in for a pretty decently long car trip. Responses might be a bit slow depending on where I am in the trip, but there's also a pretty good chance that my family might get snowed in instead given how there's a big ol' winter storm all week long where I live.

Either way, cutting to the point: AMA session.

You want me to respond in-character as an OC? Sure.

Personal info? Nope.

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Report TheMajorTechie · 228 views · #AMA

AMA (Inspired by Dashie04's post) · 9:45am Jul 6th, 2022


If you ask it, I shall answer. · 6:10pm Jan 15th, 2016

Okay, that was pretty lame, but yeah, this is an AMA blog. So ask me anything. :pinkiehappy:

Report Twi-Fi · 405 views · #AMA

Ask Me Anything · 2:22am Nov 27th, 2016

No I'm not dead. Just busy with life. So ask me anything.

Cute comic:

Report Super Trampoline · 484 views · #AMA

AMA Free-for-all, doods · 9:41pm Oct 10th, 2015

Exactly what the title says, guys. Ask me any question, no matter how random, I'll answer it.

EDIT: Seriously, guys, I have nothing to do for the rest of the day. Please.

Report Psycho · 308 views · #AMA

Any Questions? · 4:50am Jan 11th, 2016

Seriously, ask me anything and everything.

Lots of questions.


I'm bored, if you can't tell.

Questions for Cielle work too.

Report There At The Close · 295 views · #AMA

Late Night Q&A · 6:36am Apr 27th, 2019

It's late and I am about to go to sleep, but I want to wake up and answer some questions! Go ahead and ask me or any of my characters stuff. It doesn't even need to be mlp related! I'll answer as many as I can tomorrow when I wake up.

Report Ashfur · 299 views · #Ama

Since I'm stuck here in quarantine... · 6:31pm Mar 19th, 2020

Why not? AMA, folks. Ask away, everything is fair game, nothing is too strange. Bring it.


Report anonpencil · 359 views · #ama

New Years AMA: Ask Me Anything · 6:45pm Jan 10th, 2018

I do my best best to respond to as many PMs and comments as possible (and I do take the time to read them all). Having an explicit avenue for it, however, often makes the act of asking less daunting. So feel free to ask me whatever questions you want, be they about writing, me, my cat, or whatever else.

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Report cleverpun · 422 views · #AMA

November AMA and National Novel Writing Month · 8:49pm Nov 1st, 2015

Hey guys, here's a friendly reminder that I've got a patreon you can donate to if you want to support me. Depending on the amount you pledge, you can get access to cool perks like early access to stories, music and stories made just for you, proofreading privileges, and free promotion! I'm trying to use the money I make from my patreon to fund trips to things like conventions, so it'd be super cool and helpful if you donated even just a little

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 202 results