You Might Smirk at This · 8:54am Apr 1st, 2017
A few years ago I carved myself the shape of a promise.
The promise was to include an amount of poni in my Master's Thesis. Anyponi, someponi, everyponi – just not no poni.
Recently I finished my Thesis in philosophy of language. It's about the structural theory of meaning. And it definitely has some poni in it. I have a fragment below to show for it (I'll post the link to the official, published version whe
1656997 Jeez, that's enough stuff for a phd.
1656987 Actually, it's a curse, since everypony in Ponyville is insane. I wrote the first story, Trixie Complains About Random $#!%, as a joke, not putting any effort into it, but it was wildly popular so I wrote a sequel, Bon Bon Thinks Griffons Aren't Real and now am trying to get the next installment, Celestia Has a Questionable Infatuation With Her Niece's Coltfriend, Who's Also Her Apprentice's Brother, Not to Mention Captain of the Royal Guard which I've sat on for nearly a year out before Valentines day. Yes this is a run on sentence and morphed into blatant self-promoting.
Read Masterweaver's Pinkie Pie, Psychologest, which is much better.
Or the 183rd story on fimfiction, Pony Psychology Series
1656984 Being able to see the patient's dreams must be helpful there.
1656978 Huh. What a coinkidink. I'm working on the 3rd story in my "Luna the Suffering Psychiatrist" series right now :)
1656888 Well there's not really hardly anything written down yet actually, but psychoanalysis á la Lacan will play a major part in the oncoming work
It's my hope the title will include some pony pun.
Or maybe I'll incorporate parts of the show to exemplify some aspects of the Lacanian theory? My newest blogpost offers an example of what this might look like.