• Member Since 20th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen July 16th


Fan since Gen1, Queen Chrysalis Fave Villain, love to write, draw, and read. I now have a Kofi page: https://ko-fi.com/queenchrysalisforever


Life is really a struggle sometimes. Update of sorts. · 6:38pm Jun 6th, 2022

Hello all. I know it has been far too long since I've made any updates on anything really and I am very sorry about all that. Life the past few years has just been difficult mentally and emotionally for me and I really haven't had the right mindset to do much writing. As I come to terms with a lot of things as I grow older and have truly entered adulthood- ever since I graduated college.

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Life Update · 1:09am Feb 21st, 2022

Well, everyone, things are now settled for the housing problems. My roomie and our cat will be moving up north closer to her parents into an even tinier apartment then we have here, and as for me, I shall be moving back home. For now, at least. I have some other options that could open up for me in a few months, either getting a place a few states over with my brother, which could work but he is pretty messy, even worse than my roomie, so I'd be doing even more cleaning with that option I

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Well all, all I got for you is bad news today. · 10:11pm Jan 25th, 2022

Well, we just got more great and wonderful news. sarcasm We are still getting kicked out of our apt at the end of March! We had problems with our dishwasher leaking, so we couldn't do dishes for a while. The guy who came to fix the dishwasher ratted us out to having dirty dishes (because roomie refuses to do them 100% by hand. She wants them with that deep sanitization you get from the dishwasher) and now we are not even going to get a review. It is still just under a week until they

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Update on my Housing Situation · 1:57am Aug 25th, 2021

Hello, all my wonderful fans, friends, and readers! It's been a few weeks and I haven't announced this anywhere else yet (only other place would be Discord, but I wanted to get this to everyone much as I could at the same time.)
Anyway, the TLDR of it all is, we don't have to move, at least not yet.

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New art for Long Live the Queen and Updates · 12:41am Aug 16th, 2021

Hello all, hope you are all doing well.
Let's start off with the good news, Long Live the Queen has gotten some new art! Made by the Awesome Butters that will be an in chapter art for the chapter "Discourses and Trials".

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I just need a little emotional support right now. x.x · 9:54am Aug 5th, 2021

UPDATE: Read my comment below for updates. Also, updated the main blog post too at the bottom with a link to my Ko-fi page.

JUST when I thought life was going better, it throws a curveball at us. I finally hear I got a steady job, where I will be able to stay. I finally am going to have enough extra cash to get better internet. I finally was able to afford a new laptop that can help me do everything else easier! And what happens?

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Quick little update · 6:20am Jul 5th, 2021

Happy Independence Day everyone! Well kind of a belated one as it is after midnight here now, but still! Hope it was a good one for you all.
Just a quick update for you all on writing projects and the like:

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A Fimfic Goal: Achived! + Random + Life +Updates · 4:43am Jun 13th, 2021

Hello all my lovely fans out there, how have you been? Hopefully, these hard times we are going through right now are treating you well? I've had some issues, but we can get to that after the announcement. One of my long-time goals on Fimfic has been achieved, a story of mine made it onto the featured list! *Squees*

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Long Live the Queen Received A Review! · 7:06am Sep 24th, 2020

Hello all, just a quick post to let you all know that Long Live the Queen received it's first review!
So for you wonderful fans, go read it and let me know what you think of Stinium's review of it. Do you agree with his points? If so, how far into them would you like to see Long Live the Queen revised/rearranged?

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Vote for my Lovely Kitty to be in Cat Fancy and win $5000! · 7:03pm Aug 24th, 2020

Hello all, no updates on stories atm, but I do have a fun little contest I am in for my lovely kitty Gypsy. Found a contest on Facebook a few weeks ago and figured what the hay, I'll enter her! So, if you would be willing (sadly you need a Facebook account to vote it looks like, so that does exclude a few of you and I'm sorry.) I would love for you to vote for her and make this fur mommy happy of her baby kitty. (Who is really like 3 1/2 but hey! XD)

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