
Viewing 1 - 20 of 248 results

Moving Day! · 4:16pm Oct 31st, 2015

Should be back online on Monday. Wish me luck!

Report Viking ZX · 416 views · #Moving

Moved already, pals. · 5:05pm Apr 20th, 2016

It has only been...

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Report PepperSweet · 273 views · #moving

"I have to drive home with this thing?" · 9:43pm Jun 16th, 2021

Been moving down the block the last few months, and I'm nearly out of my old place.

Tails rode shotgun for this last trip. My dear sweet mother was less than enthused.

Report milesprower06 · 212 views · #moving

Moved Locations · 7:53pm Oct 11th, 2016

Wow. I haven't been here in forever, and I honestly have mixed feelings about it, this was where I kinda began with writing, I snagged a lot of followers and had fun, but at the same time, I really dropped the ball, and for that I'm sorry...BUT I am back at it again, under a new account. HTTPS:// where I just generally write whatever I please! Plus, comms...sometimes. So, come join me there if ya like! If not, happy fimficing!

Report Miss Marionette · 439 views · #Moved

I Live Off The Items That Are In My Three Travel Bags · 8:08am Sep 9th, 2015

So, I have now been officially kicked out by my sister's boyfriend, Calvin. He took issue with me staying at their place, and so I had an amazing friend buy me a bus ticket. This is the fifth consecutive home that I have been booted from in the past year.:pinkiegasp:

On the bright side, all of the three people in the world who I care about are in VA (my destination). Right now, the greyhound bus is packed, and I don't have an empty seat to prop my legs on.:fluttercry:

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Report WickedLSDragon · 431 views · #moving

reason for delay · 8:08am Jul 10th, 2018

hey guys so i keep forgetting to tell you guys on why the delay but i'll just be quick about it. so lately i've been in a rough patch lately and i have to move from a different state to another. it's been taking alot of my time as i just finished packing up most of my stuff and found a acceptable place for now.

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Report wolfman93 · 417 views · #moving

I'm moving soon · 10:35pm Aug 16th, 2016

So as the title says I will be moving soon and for the one person watching Gallants' training days I may post a short chapter as a little treat since I won't be able to properly write the story for a while. (Hope that's okay.)

Report Gallants · 227 views · #Moving

True Colours · 11:13pm Oct 9th, 2015

The blood was shed
It will never be the same
Feel the intruding lead
That hangs my head in pain

The drainage not on my hands
But flows down my back
It was only in the sands
Where you planned your attack

Executed without flaws
With no issue at hand
You dug deep with your claws
Into a faceless land

Your face full of lies
When you greet me at that place
I see through your disguise
And reject your embrace

The wound you try to heal
Is now a gaping maw

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Report Dusk Melody · 424 views · #moving on

Sorry for the lack of updates. · 9:23pm Jun 1st, 2018

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been dealing with a number of issues over the course of the last several months. Everything from a massive workload involving a custom 4 story appartment complex, to breaking up with my longterm girlfriend, passing classes that I suck at in terms of what they consisted of (math, which I suck miserably at) and now that I am moving. It has left me horribly depressed and I have 0 motivation to do anything...

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Report REDMAMBA · 436 views · #No updates #moving.

What’s Next? · 7:51pm March 6th

After everything that has happened yesterday, I’m glad there are people here that do care and are showing their support for this petition.

I have ideas that could be implemented to Fimfic that could make it a more safe place, but I’ll share those ideas with Moderators and Admins and hopefully they’ll take it into consideration.

For now I’d like for us to move on from the hate, anger, and arguments so that everyone can move forward.

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Report Pen Dragon · 195 views · #Moving forward

Finally · 8:50pm Dec 10th, 2016

So we finally finished unpacking most of our stuff and on Monday I will be starting school again so hopefully I should be able to work on the chapters over the week.


I moved and finally have internet! · 2:48pm May 5th, 2019

Just like the title says, I finally moved and got internet. What with my stories mostly being saved on the cloud, I couldn't really access them to download easily or at all. So I just left them there for a bit... Q_Q In any case, I finally have internet once again and I just posted a new chapter that's been in progress for a while. It's going to be slow going because I've never gotten this far in a story before. Don't worry. I'll try to work through the writer's block between work and life. I

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On the Road Again... · 9:10pm Nov 16th, 2018

Hopefully we can avoid lava pools - and bursting into random songs

Sorry for the short message here, but we're finishing up the final things and prepping to hit the road today to begin the long trek to Seaddle. If all goes as planned, we'll hit the finish line next Wednesday.

Any thoughts, prayers, well wishes, etc. would be greatly appreciated. We'll try to check in from the road!

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I'm Moving! · 12:09pm Apr 23rd, 2019

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Report Nailah · 353 views · #mlp #moving

Moving Woes. · 6:26pm Aug 21st, 2018

If any have been wondering why I've written so little, it is because I'm between moving and getting a new job. My new place is small but cozy, but this week I hope to get in there at long last. After that I will need to have my internet hooked back up, that can take from a few days to a few weeks.

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Report Undyne Devotion · 282 views · #moving #updates

Researcher Twilight is Moving. (Again) · 12:38am Oct 28th, 2015

However this time it is going back to it's rightful home in the hands of it's original author, NATOstrike.

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Report Azu · 1,486 views · #Moving #NATOstrike

still moving · 4:03am Nov 4th, 2016

Hello! I type this to let you guys know I am still moving aome things! Our internet is not up yet and I am using my cell to see what has been going on! I am working on a few things as I get time. Just wanted to let you know I didn't exsplode into a firey inferno while ordering a while mcmuffin or wqs sent to jail for tax evasion.

Report L3thAlPwnE · 453 views · #update #moving

Three Things; · 11:07pm Sep 5th, 2017

1) I've accepted the loss of my turtles and want to thank those who sent me their thoughts.

2) For those who have been and are going through tough times, I found that listening to this helps;

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Report darkstone57 · 302 views · #Moving Forward

Getting back into fitness after putting on a lot; · 10:05am Feb 5th, 2018

Anybody looking to start off or restart I highly recommend jaxblade.

I’ve watched some of his videos and him talking about his personal experiences when it comes to routines and he’s helped me a lot already.

Report darkstone57 · 273 views · #Moving Forward

You're not going to believe this, · 3:03am February 1st

I'm going to be moving out of my parent's place soon!

Report NobodieZ · 49 views · #Moving Out
Viewing 1 - 20 of 248 results