• Member Since 26th Sep, 2020
  • offline last seen Aug 2nd, 2022


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  • 104 weeks
    Turning 23

    Today’s officially my birthday. I turn 23 years old. In the past, it felt like a drag to wait until this day rolled around each year. But ever since I begun writing stories, it’s flown by much more quickly. Either way, I may be getting older but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop writing anytime soon.

    P.S. I might release a new story that I’ve been working on tomorrow. Maybe, depends on how I feel.

    13 comments · 210 views
  • 131 weeks
    Characters' Decks

    After tons of research and sifting through the many chapters, I've finally managed to put together the cards that I have each of the girls and Isaac use in my original story Yugioh: Worlds Collide and Yugioh: Reunion. So if you're interested to know which cards they used on a consistent basis to make up their deck, then here you go.

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  • 141 weeks
    Yugioh: Worlds Collide - Author's Notes

    So ends my Yugioh crossover story, though really it wasn't so much of a crossover with MLP, but more of an original story that had MLP characters. But I digress. Anyways, now that the story is done, it's time to answer some of your questions you have involving this story and give you guys some behind the scenes info. Now I've PM tons of people that were fans of this story if they had any questions they want answer about anything when it came to working on this piece of fiction. The

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  • 145 weeks
    One Year Anniversary.

    TYugioh: Worlds Collide
    If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.
    ShootingStar25 · 1.7m words  ·  65  9 · 4.7k views

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    2 comments · 253 views

Turning 23 · 7:08am Jul 29th, 2022

Today’s officially my birthday. I turn 23 years old. In the past, it felt like a drag to wait until this day rolled around each year. But ever since I begun writing stories, it’s flown by much more quickly. Either way, I may be getting older but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop writing anytime soon.

P.S. I might release a new story that I’ve been working on tomorrow. Maybe, depends on how I feel.

Report ShootingStar25 · 210 views ·
Comments ( 93 )
  • Viewing 89 - 93 of 93

Hey, I just realized something.

You're now the same age as I am.

Don't know yet. I first need to rewatch the episode before I make any changes.

Okay. Have you thought about sparring OOM-10 the Valhalla?

No, don't be sorry. I had already written the chapter and was just making some final edits. No big deal.

  • Viewing 89 - 93 of 93
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