• Member Since 17th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


You really don't have to find true love. Not as long as you have good friends and family. I'm not saying be loveless. Just wait til you see the moment and take a chance. Trust me it will be worth it


My Birthday. · 9:07pm Nov 15th, 2021

So... It's my birthday today.... Yay lol!

I'm having a good time and I got some good gifts and I plan on getting a few more things.

You all have a good day today

Report Fluffy-Boi · 323 views ·
Comments ( 335 )
  • Viewing 326 - 335 of 335

No probs. Thought I did so when I first started reading ya Plague Doctor Story

thanks for the watch!

No prob. Saw you around for ages and had to follow at this point lol

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

Thought I had already followed ya since I have a few of your stories. But now that has been fixed lol

Thanks for the follow

  • Viewing 326 - 335 of 335
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