New Story in Development and Updates on Current Stories · 1:24am Dec 30th, 2017
Good evening everyone. It is currently 8:21 EST and I am tired as fuck so I’m gonna write this blog post. I am announcing my new MLP Equestria Girls/Smallville story. Basically it’ll be a story based off the tv show Smallville. I plan to begin writing tomorrow and hopefully the first chapter will be up. As for My Little Pony:Destiny and An Anon-a-Miss Tale both stories are still under hiatus until I can figure out where to go with both stories. Hopefully this story will keep you satisfied till
Greetings, Master Blaster.
Oh, well good luck on your midterms, those damn tests suck, even if you don't write or do anything on the internet.
Cant really say. I’d say by the end of the month but no promises. Midterms are coming up
Just a quick question, and not to sound ungrateful, but is there a rough date for the next chapter in An Anon-a-miss tale?