• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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  • 178 weeks
    So... apparently I’m a writer

    So yeah I’m about a week late to posting this, but yeah, apparently I have an idea that people like for some strange reason. Now I might actually start writing sometime in the near future but until then, just read my attempt at writing that some people like. I have no idea what to right but that’s what brainstorming is for right? Anyways have fun and possibly expect a new dumpster fire from me around October/November because damnit I’m gonna write a story wether I want to or not.

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  • 255 weeks
    I have emerged from my little hole in the ground

    Now, I know that this might just clog up your notifications, but I would like to ask you to read a story by Creativecorpsestories because of the fact that he has a great story in the works that is great. Now admittedly I know that you probably won't spread the story that far, but I want to at least expand the current audience that knows about this story. Now it may only have one chapter at the moment, but is building the world up for us so we can become more immersed into it.

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So... apparently I’m a writer · 10:09pm Sep 16th, 2021

So yeah I’m about a week late to posting this, but yeah, apparently I have an idea that people like for some strange reason. Now I might actually start writing sometime in the near future but until then, just read my attempt at writing that some people like. I have no idea what to right but that’s what brainstorming is for right? Anyways have fun and possibly expect a new dumpster fire from me around October/November because damnit I’m gonna write a story wether I want to or not.

Report Goldminer23 · 132 views · Story: Thoughts of a Failure ·
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