• Member Since 13th Mar, 2021
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-Liam Carson [Canadian 🍁 Artist/Writer]

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Blog Posts

  • 10 weeks
    What should I do?

    Hi Everypony,

    So as I mentioned in the author's note of my new story, I've been sort of conflicted lately over what to write about for the fandom. On one hoof I've really been inspired to write 'The Blood Doctor' as I love Vampire stories and media and I have a full vision of where I want the story to go.

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    4 comments · 69 views
  • 41 weeks
    Dr. A. Acardio

    Happy Friday the 13th everypony! I thought on a day like this that I'd grant a sneak peak at one of the characters that will be featured in my upcoming fanfic "The Blood Doctor".

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  • 41 weeks
    New PFP & New Story Update

    Well, it's been a while since my last blog post. First of all, I wanted to thank everypony for 100 likes on To End a Cycle! I'm super happy with the reception this fanfic got and can't thank you watchers enough for the support!

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  • 63 weeks
    Flurry Heart (Ascension)

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  • 71 weeks
    To End a Cycle Chapter 10 & What's Next (Spoilers)

    Hey all,

    Thanks to everypony who supported chapter 10 of To End A Cycle! I wanted to make a quick blog post in regards to the future of the story and also cover a few Easter eggs that I included in the chapter. If you have not read chapter 10 or any of the previous ones for that matter, make sure you catch up on them before reading this blog.

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    0 comments · 152 views

What should I do? · 2:36pm May 14th

Hi Everypony,

So as I mentioned in the author's note of my new story, I've been sort of conflicted lately over what to write about for the fandom. On one hoof I've really been inspired to write 'The Blood Doctor' as I love Vampire stories and media and I have a full vision of where I want the story to go.

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Comments ( 6 )
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Thank you! I hope you enjoy it! I'm sure you'll find a few parallels and differences. I'm trying to make it as entertaining as possible and make it a good reading experience. Make sure to give it a review when you finish as I love hearing from the readers :yay: .


Just saw this today; and
I haven't read your fic yet, but I absolutely look forward to it!

I am a huge fan of 'A Tale of Two Rulers' and can't wait to see how your fic follows or deviates from it

Comment posted by Obsedian_Flame deleted Apr 7th, 2021

That's so kind of you! Thank you!

Hope you like the stories I release!


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