• Member Since 24th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen 56 minutes ago


A big fan to My Little Pony, Pokemon, and Danganronpa, I'm still an amateur but I promise, I'll give it my best!

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Hey. It's been a while · 4:48pm January 26th

Soooooooo....yeah. I've been gone for a while. Sorry, college classes had been my main focus to earn my degree and working on my job. I've even been thinking about thr story.

Now then, I've been thinking of a whole new direction for my old mlp fanfic. Like I would want to do more than a remake, but make it feel different. Like actual ponies. Perhaps a human transforming into a pony.

I know it's been done but from how the story would go, it felt like it would make some sense.

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