• Member Since 14th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 22nd, 2023

Mr Curious Writer

I'm just someone that's curious on crossover stories involving MLP

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Status Update ON Royal Hunter · 12:07am Feb 19th, 2019

Hey guys, for those that read the "Royal Hunter". I'm keeping this one short sweet and to the point so I can get back to it. My intention is to complete the next Chapter this week and hopefully get it through proofreading and Grammar checking ASAP after that. So I'm confident it'll be ready before February ends. Right now I'm looking back on Previous Chapters that I wrote to make sure I'm not tripping my self on some plot points I've written on this one. So at the moment, it's slow going but it

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Hey there, are you okay Mr Curious Writer? I haven't heard from you for a long time and I am worried.

Are you alright, Mr Curious Writer?

You alright Mr Curious Writer?

You here? I ask cause you haven't updated for a long time.

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