• Member Since 7th Jan, 2024
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Story writer (Good one I hope), and obsessed with metal slimes

Blog Posts

  • 9 weeks
    Apologies for the radio silence, I am not dead!

    Sorry to everyone who's been awaiting a new chapter of Lost Tales of Equestria: Hollow, for I have been undergoing Military training these past 18 weeks and will br undergoing another set of specialized training for another set of 8 weeks afterwards.

    TLDR: Army has me busy, and it will be a minute before I post the next chapter (probably late July/August, but I'll try to get one in beforehand)

    Just wanted to let ya know I haven't abandoned yall!

    1 comments · 83 views
  • 15 weeks
    A happy return, and apologies for the wait!

    Hello everyone!

    I would like to apologize for the month or so of break that I took without warning. things got busy IRL and I only recently got my time open enough to get back online. However, now that I'm back, allow me to make it up by posting a new chapter before Friday, as a way of saying thanks for the ludicrous amount of love Hollow has gotten recently!

    Again, sorry! Hopefully yall didn't give up on this story yet

    1 comments · 112 views
  • 27 weeks
    Newcomer incoming...and a story as well (once it escapes the approval dungeon)

    Hello everyone! Just wanted to say hey to anyone who actually reads these posts, and wanted to state that I've got a story coming out soon. Wanted to take a unique approach to Equestria, so hopefully it gains some feedback (I'm good with either tbh, I just want people to read my stuff)

    0 comments · 68 views

Apologies for the radio silence, I am not dead! · 1:07pm May 22nd

Sorry to everyone who's been awaiting a new chapter of Lost Tales of Equestria: Hollow, for I have been undergoing Military training these past 18 weeks and will br undergoing another set of specialized training for another set of 8 weeks afterwards.

TLDR: Army has me busy, and it will be a minute before I post the next chapter (probably late July/August, but I'll try to get one in beforehand)

Just wanted to let ya know I haven't abandoned yall!

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