• Member Since 17th May, 2020
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago


Since I was little I have been a fan of video games, anime, cartoons, comics, tcg, etc. But in 2019 i became a brony.

Latest Stories

Blog Posts

  • 49 weeks
    About my main stories

    Hello, I hope everyone is well, as usual, I announce something new every birthday, the question is about the main stories.

    As you know, a year ago, I published a list of the next stories that I would like to write.

    The stories were divided between main stories and crossover stories.

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    0 comments · 244 views
  • 75 weeks
    Final Episode Beyblade EQG

    This Saturday, February 18, after the midday.

    The final episode of my story, Beyblade EQG, is coming, thanks to everyone who has supported me, this chapter will mark a before and after, since this is my first story on this site, do not miss it.

    Saturday, February 18, after the midday.

    2 comments · 238 views
  • 101 weeks
    MechaTomX (Stories)

    Hello everyone, as I promised, I would announce something today, what I will announce are my next stories, which I have not written yet but I hope that in the future I can publish them here.

    PS: And a reminder of my available stories.

    Published Stories

    The Element of Greed

    Beyblade EQG

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    9 comments · 566 views
  • 118 weeks
    Suggestions for Vanguard decks

    Hello, many enjoyed this story, and of course there will be sequels soon, although I will have to finish my pending fics, but I would still love to hear your suggestions.

    Which clans should the other characters use, with the exception of Spike, Thorax, Flash and Garble, since their decks were already shown, and I already have Twi, Ember, Soarin and Shining decks planned

    7 comments · 233 views
  • 125 weeks
    Character Ages

    As some know and if others don't know, The Element of Greed will be my main fic, since I set it after season 10 of the IDW comics, and well, I don't think this is a spoiler since it doesn't affect the fic, In it I said that the Crusaders had already graduated from Ponyville School, so I thought it would be the best time to give you my headcannon on the ages of the characters, so here they are.

    Spike: 14

    Twilight Sparkle: 20

    Pinkie Pie: 21

    Applejack: 21

    Rainbow Dash: 19

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    0 comments · 439 views

About my main stories · 6:24pm Aug 16th, 2023

Hello, I hope everyone is well, as usual, I announce something new every birthday, the question is about the main stories.

As you know, a year ago, I published a list of the next stories that I would like to write.

The stories were divided between main stories and crossover stories.

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Report MechaTomX · 244 views · #spike
Comments ( 55 )
  • Viewing 51 - 55 of 55

Thank you to add Total Drama Chaos at your favorites. I hope you have enjoyed reading it. XD

Thanks for favoring Spike's New Adventure!

Thanks for favoring my story :)

Thanks for the fave :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 51 - 55 of 55
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