• Member Since 5th Jul, 2021
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Brony, sci Fi fan, and nervous writer

Blog Posts

  • 99 weeks

    Inspired by the my little pony comics reflection, celestia and mirror sombra/good sombra have a romantic night. Eleven months later, celestia gives birth to a foil unicorn with her coat plus eye colors with good sombra's mane color. Still working on it. Haven't even decided if he ends up with twilight or rarity. But he's just one of three original characters.

    0 comments · 103 views

Eclipse · 1:51am Sep 2nd, 2022

Inspired by the my little pony comics reflection, celestia and mirror sombra/good sombra have a romantic night. Eleven months later, celestia gives birth to a foil unicorn with her coat plus eye colors with good sombra's mane color. Still working on it. Haven't even decided if he ends up with twilight or rarity. But he's just one of three original characters.

Comments ( 18 )
  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18

Just keep it up awesome story

Thanks for adding my story to your favorites

Happy new year everyone

Thanks for the follow!!:pinkiehappy:

Hey there, thanks for the watch and favorites.

  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18
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