The Art Inspired Me 23 members · 66 stories

For those who see artwork and want to write from seeing it

Have you ever come across a piece of beautiful fanart and thought that this piece of work deserved a story? Something that speaks about the art that encouraged you to get your fingers to the keyboard? Whether it's on DeviantArt, Derpibooru or an Artists' Twitter, Facebook or Reddit account?

This group is for those who have fanfics inspired by pieces of beautiful artwork.

General rules:

1. Wherever possible, appropriate and viewer-friendly artwork is allowed on the cover page of your fanfic. Please be rational about the artwork, nothing on the immature spectrum.

2. Place them in the right folders and maybe suggest new folders as well (first time creating a group for all).

3. Appropriate artwork is of high respect here. Being a sensitive person myself, I know what can be seen as inappropriate despite being subjective to individuals at times. Mature and high-end Teen usually goes to the Mature/NSFW folder

4. Best if you can source the artwork for copyright and stealing-prevention safety. It can be done via a link on the front page, author's note or anything in between.
a) i.e (Fanfic inspired by Art title link by artist Artist Name link)
b) providing a source link with the cover art

5. If you are an artist yourself thinking you have good artwork worthy of fanfiction praise, don't force others to say that this is worthy of all-our writing. Calmly or ask whether this artwork would like to be given a backstory. Preferably in the group's forum if you think you have the perfect artwork for the perfect story.

6. If you see a piece of artwork yourself and think it's worthy of fanfic as well, say something about it in the forum and get others' inspiration gears turning.

7. Just please be rational when putting them in the correct folders, please. I am relying on you to place them correctly.

8. No art to attack users or writers, or no hate art on users and canon characters.

9. Went commenting, the theme is about the artwork you've seen that deserves a little love or backstory through writing. Art and fiction can mix together to create something new for all to enjoy. No spams or over advertisements.

Have fun and be kind. All art is wonderful and beautiful to view.

Inspiration can come from anywhere.

Comments ( 6 )
  • Viewing 1 - 6 of 6

Cool I just didn't know where put it and I didn't want to cause any problems with ya pilgrim.

I think the official Hasbro Release for now and I'll edit the folders when I have the time:twilightsheepish:

I got a question I used a MLP comic cover for my story where would I put it?

I realised something like this was lacking awareness, so I wanted to do this since most my my fics are made this way

Comment posted by Quoterific deleted Feb 16th, 2022

About time a group like this started. Let's see what fics get gathered here.

  • Viewing 1 - 6 of 6