• Member Since 30th Mar, 2020
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OG brony who really loves Crossover fics. Twilight is my waifu, and I'm not ashamed of it.

Blog Posts

  • 22 weeks
    New Ideas

    Hello Friends! It's k00l here to spill what's been on my mind for a few days. First an update. I'm working on a few chapters on some of my fics.

    Contact Equis is still well into the works as that is my main project, A New chapter is being worked on as we speak!

    Duel School is also coming along nicely, That project is actually nearing its ending, and I cannot wait, tbh, that fic has drained a lot out of me and it will be some time before the third installment comes out.

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    5 comments · 150 views
  • 30 weeks
    Merry Christmas

    Have a blessed and merry Christmas

    3 comments · 60 views
  • 31 weeks
    College Finals

    Looks like I disappeared again? Actually, not really. I have been busy with college and wrapping up this semester. I can say with full confidence, YOUR BOY HAS GRADUATED!!! I wanted to work hard and finish this out because this was my graduating semester! I'm leaving college behind now with a bachelor's degree. I wasn't gone from this site completely, even though I wanted to finish my semester strong, I would come here and I had begun to edit some of my previous fics, make them look better,

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    6 comments · 115 views
  • 53 weeks
    Been awhile

    Hey everyone, it's k00l. I know I haven't published anything in awhile, that was mainly due to me having a lack of inspiration. Last chapter I published was back in June, and shortly after publishing I went on a vacation so I couldn't write. I needed it and more time to myself as writing kinda became a chore for me. I love writing, and I believe I have great ideas I want to share. The last thing I want to happen is for me to hate writing. So I distance myself from writing on here for a bit. I

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    3 comments · 179 views
  • 66 weeks
    Update, what's going on?

    Hey everyone! It’s me k00l, just felt like I should give you all an update on the current state of some of the fics, as progress from me has been slow. I will give you all updates of current and future fics I have planned.

    Twilight’s Duel School

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    8 comments · 184 views

New Ideas · 3:41am February 23rd

Hello Friends! It's k00l here to spill what's been on my mind for a few days. First an update. I'm working on a few chapters on some of my fics.

Contact Equis is still well into the works as that is my main project, A New chapter is being worked on as we speak!

Duel School is also coming along nicely, That project is actually nearing its ending, and I cannot wait, tbh, that fic has drained a lot out of me and it will be some time before the third installment comes out.

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Report k00l · 150 views ·

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Comments ( 17 )
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it's a ponified version of The Foundation from Fortnite

Who is the guy in your avatar?

Thank you for the watch Spartan!

Thanks for the watch

The story just got approved

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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