• Member Since 24th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


A simple fan of Halo, Star Wars, Star Trek, My Little Pony, Doctor Who, Marvel Cinematic Universe, and lots more. So yes, a Geek, and a proud one at that

Blog Posts

  • 267 weeks
    Another Project

    Hello everyone,

    Well, first of all, I have to say that I did not expect Halo: Twilight of a Spartan to do so well. I am so happy that you all love it and that is enough for me to keep on writing this fic, even if I get tired of it in the future (hopefully not).

    Secondly, I have been thinking about another story/fanfic to write at the same time, one that does not relate to H:ToaS, one set in a different time and on a different character: celestia, when she was very, very young.

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Comments ( 39 )
  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39

It's been awhile since I was on the site, and I reread your Halo story again and I just wanted to stop by and say it was a wonderful read! I'm happy we were able to experience so much of it. Hopefully whatever made you cancel it worked out for you!

I saw that you canceled Halo: Twilight Of A Spartan. What's going on?

Hey, thought I'd check in. Are you still writing?

Thank you for adding An Equestrian Witcher to your Favorites!

  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39
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