• Member Since 24th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


A simple fan of Halo, Star Wars, Star Trek, My Little Pony, Doctor Who, Marvel Cinematic Universe, and lots more. So yes, a Geek, and a proud one at that

Comments ( 613 )

There will be a romance between Twilight and Jhon

I feel like Twilight needs some armor to avoid getting shot again.

I'm planning on having her get her own armour after the events of Halo CE

In my opinion that seams like a long way off. Does she even have her saddlebag's to hold her ammo for the guns?

Well, she does now, and I plan to have her get more and more equipment as time goes on.


Even if it wasn’t on purpose that trick with the Granade in the control center was smart.:pinkiesmile: If she’s smart she’ll use it again.:pinkiesmile:

"We were investigating the structures in the west", the archaeologist began, "just only fifteen minutes ago, when one of our search teams found themselves unable to enter a certain building, one of the larger ones.

I believe some more info is required.

"I've searched other there fifteen times, and there's nothing.


"Two things", he put forward", one: she is on the other side of the galaxy, and it would take more than Equestrian Magic to bring her back.

I think that you should put the comma before the quotation in "Two things", put a space between forward and the quotation mark, and remove the comma before one. Like so:

"Two things," he put forward "one: she is on the other side of the galaxy, and it would take more than Equestrian Magic to bring her back.

There are other mistakes, but since I am not A member of the Grammar SS, It is not my place to point them out, these were just the ones I could see clearly. Other than that, this is a really good fic and chapter. I cant wait to see what Twilight and the Chief do to find The Cartographer.

Didn't notice any of those mistakes at all. Will correct them as soon as I can. Thanks for pointing them out.

I'm happy that you are enjoying the fanfic a lot. I'm in the middle of writing about the Cartographer, so I will hopefully get out the next chapter by the end of the week.

I haven't read Silent Storm yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if the chief met him beforehand. The Spartans were active for a while before Mjolnir was available to them.

It was a ring, with four lines running through it, the middle two lines went straight through the middle from bottom to top, while the other two cuts to the sides.

Is that the glyph for the mantle?

I'll follow along for a while to see where this goes. :twilightsmile:

“What did I just do!”, she shouted, pressing her hooves to her head, her mane becoming unkempt in the process. “Celestia is going to KILL me for touching anything!”

Kill? Unlikely. Magic kindergarten? Most definitely :rainbowlaugh:

Yes, it is the glyph for the mantle. I didn't really describe it well, so I'm surprised any one recognised it. Congrats. Also, did you recognise the second symbol? If you did, pm me what you thought it was because it is something for the ending.

Also, I want to thank you for helping to inspire me with Halo:Helljumper. I loved it, and I'm keeping an eye on Contact Harvest. Keep up the great fanfics.

Have a great year

Unless she finds a means of teleporting back home, shes with them for a good long while

"This is Pelican Echo 419. Can any UNSC forces here me?"


Firstly, there will be Jackal snipers on the Halo ring.

You evil bastard.

I will never forget the living hell that was H2 legendary

Well that and those two weapons were not on the Autumns inventory.

Interesting take on things, hopefully more will be made known as time goes on. But that clearly tells us that Twilight will be with the UNSC for the long haul.

This well-crafted action sequence, from bridge to lifeboat, is even more exciting than the one scripted for the actual game.

If that's so, (the) why didn't she teleport onto the ring itself, instead of on the Autumn?'

If that's so, then why didn't she teleport onto the ring itself, instead of on the Autumn?'

(Than) help us fight off this (ring back) to our (civilization).

Then help us fight off this ring, so we all can return back to our civilizations.


If Pinkie Pie keeps her party cannon in Hammerspace, or Rarity keeps her fainting couch in Hammerspace, then why not have Twilight keep all her extra weapons, ammo, and gear inside Hammerspace?

Has anyone thought that if the Covenant soldiers captured Twilight that the Covenant might force Twilight to take them to Twilight’s home world? Then, the Covenant could either murder all the natives there or enslave the natives as Covenant warriors or force them to work to build Covenant equipment, weapons, and warships?


Has anyone thought that if the Covenant soldiers captured Twilight that the Covenant might force Twilight to take them to Twilight’s home world? Then, the Covenant could either murder all the natives there or enslave the natives as Covenant warriors or force them to work to build Covenant equipment, weapons, and warships?

Probably, though I will have a bit of a plot point later on for why that would be unlikely.

Also, thanks for noticing some errors. A bit embarrassing that its mostly the same error, but at least someone noticed it. Thank you.

This well-crafted action sequence, from bridge to lifeboat, is even more exciting than the one scripted for the actual game.

Thank you. I mainly tried to follow the events of the game and the book Halo: the Flood, though I had to change a few details such as the Techs dying at the Observation deck together. I didn't think it would make it more epic, though

Before I jump into this I’m wondering how powerful your interpretation of twilight is going to be. She’s either gonna be like blackjack or godlike. There’s no in between in these fics. And I’m not dissing blackjack she’s the most terrifying mare in the wasteland I would bet on her if she and chief came to blows.

Ponies are just generally even unicorns significantly stronger then us mere humans even Spartans.

I noticed the mantle glyph. I’m just trying to imagine what ancient ponies were like. I imagine them with a sorts fallout Equestria like tech base only more advanced from more experience. You know tech and magic together to compliment each other. And megaspells to heal cities, make eternal storms, time space anomaly’s, erase worlds. I kinda imagine that with the ancient government being alicorn princesses in charge of star systems with a queen in charge of the whole civilization.

I’m kinda taking this part from a ME fic. They handle conflict with other species in a specific way. Whoever shows hostility towards there species they are given one warning and a show of force before being ordered to surrender. If they continue anyway they will begin to thoroughly stomp your ass until you give up. Then after your to destroyed to fight back or give up they’ll help you rebuild again.

That’s my though of what there ancient civilization would have been like. Also the alicorns should have easily been able to get her out of that shield considering the absolute batshit amount of power that they have.

Twilight is just the kind of person Cortana loves. A walking exposition dump. She loves all the new bitty goods of info.

That elite really never stood a chance.

Twilights always been a fast learner. That’s both going to serve her well and horrify her with how easy it gets.

I’m glad your acknowledging how ridiculous the ponies strength is. A truly bloodraged twilight would be truly terrifying. She could probably rip that battlecruiser out of the sky.

I was honestly expecting a giant fuck you laser from twilight that would leave a hunter as a pair of boots.

Needlers are a very reasonable thing to be afraid of. After a super combine would turn you into a puddle.

Aside from the fact if they attacked Celestia and Luna will play volley ball with there fleet?

True Friends are those who stick by your side no matter what. Bonds of battle are said to be stronger then blood. Someone who you would risk your life for and who would risk there life for you is family even if there not blood.

I think this is good for chief emotionally after he’s suffered so many loses so recently.( that he thinks he’s lost.) He so rarely finds true friends and people he can rely on outside of his fellow Spartans.

He looked away from her for a moment, a sense of pain and loss rolling from him. It was at least two minutes before he looked at her again. "I had a family once, with many of my brothers and sisters. Now, they're all gone, leaving me alone to defend Humanity."

Don't worry, Chief. Not all your brothers and sisters' stories ended on Reach.


I think this is good for chief emotionally after he’s suffered so many loses so recently.( that he thinks he’s lost.) He so rarely finds true friends and people he can rely on outside of his fellow Spartans.

Thank you. The Chief's life is actually a tragic one. Though he hasn't lost all of his family, he believes so in the event of Halo CE, and thus is more distant from everyone except Cortana. With Twilight now in the mix as his friend, the Chief will have another friend worth fighting for and someone he can relate to in a way, because in some ways, their upbringings were similar. Both were raised by a motherly figure (Doctor Halsey and Celestia) not of their blood for a future purpose that would not have been possible without intervention. They were brainwashed into believing certain values were right and not given a choice in certain decisions when they were younger. Well, that's how I view things.

Aside from the fact if they attacked Celestia and Luna will play volley ball with there fleet?

I do believe that, while Celestia and Luna would be able to do maximum damage on a Covenant Invasion Force, they would eventually be overwhelmed by either sheer numbers or superior technology. However, the Covenant won't get the chance. That's the plan, for now.

I noticed now they reason why the alicorns magic failed in grabbing twilight. The sisters have more then enough to wipe the forerunner ruins off of the map, but in this chapter you can clearly see that forerunner material as some sort of nullification effect on magic.

I think it would be awesome if you reference magic as being neural physics in the halo verse. The Precursors and the flood would be magic then. It could also explain why the forerunners could never quite match the precursors technology they weren’t just masters of tech but also spiritual forces as well. I just think that would be cool and that the forerunners developed these anti magic defenses to protect against the floods more esoteric effects.

If you don’t know what neural physics is (and I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t) it is basically a sort of space magic that the precursors and the flood were capable of. The floods telepathy is a part of neural physics, the composer uses neural physics principles that the forerunners don’t understand to literally capture your soul in the data. The flood used neural physics to bring high charity directly to the ark, and used it to shut down slipspace travel in the whole galaxy.

Don't worry, I know what neural physics are. It is one of my favourite parts of Halo lore. And yes, I am planning to have magic be a form of neural physics. But that's all I can say on that topic for now.

There's not such thing as a 'necessary evil,' but there are plenty of things we call 'evil' that aren't. Killing in self-defense (or in defense of another) is morally distinct from murder, even if the action is the same. One is ultimately about safeguarding life, whereas the other is about taking it. The distinction between the two can appear blurry, and many evil actions have been 'justified' in the name of 'saving lives,' but it's still important to draw the distinction between the two and act accordingly. What the humans do in response to the Covenant is not morally equivalent to what the Covenant do to them.

What part of the chapter felt rushed, in your opinion? I'm just wondering for the future so I can avoid making things feel rushed. Hope you're enjoying the story though

I am indeed enjoying it, else I wouldn’t have gotten this far :P

I can’t recall the specific paragraphs but it was the latter half of this chapter that felt rushed. There were times where Twilight was feeling one emotion, only for it to immediately change to something else, or something happened and there wasn’t any time to process it.

Overall it felt like near the end of the chapter, everything sped up, like you were trying to just end it.

By reading this story, has anyone been inspired to revisit playing Halo: Combat Evolved? Three years ago, I bought and completed this game, and now I’ve been inspired to play it again.

"Now, in the meanwhile, we'll have to deal with whatever this mystery is. And I have the feeling (what ever it is,) we won't find us over a short period of time." I’m not sure about “we won't find us over a short period of time.”

"Now, in the meanwhile, we'll have to deal with whatever this mystery is. And I have the feeling whatever it is; we won't solve this mystery over a short period of time."

Wow, that last part of what I wrote did not make sense. Thanks for finding it. Will have fixed it now

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