She saved the galaxy multiple times, and after sacrificing herself to save John, Cortana now finds herself stranded on an unknown world as a living breathing pony. Many paths lay ahead for her, that will test her ingenuity, resourcefulness, and integrity, as a new war, yet familiar war rages on. Will she help to end it, or will she be the destroyer?
7940521 heh, don't worry, Chapter one is in the works.

When switching between characters I sugjest doing something like this
It makes the switch less jarring to read. Other wise great start!
7943804 Oh! Heh, oops, I forgot that those lines don't transfer from word to this. Thanks for letting me know though.
7943859 no prob
This is now headcanon. Thanks.
been a wile since you updated.. hope you continue writing
please continue the story
No worries, the next chapter is in the works.
Not bad, there are a few grammar errors, but I like the idea
Nice work, very nice work. Can’t wait for more! I’m going to go read the next chapter now
Why is the title an s followed by a random series of numbers? No, I've never played Halo.
no spoiler giving guys!
I give a slight clue to that in the second chapter.
The TL:DR version is that in the halo series, Cortana is an A.I. who’s serieal number is C-0452-9. As for the S well, that’s spoilers for what’s to come, but a hint to those who know it’s meaning.
I like it
I'm curious to see what kind of events lead to her ending under custody of the pony equivalent of ONI.
Congratulations; you've managed to produce the only Halo crossover that I've enjoyed. (I Against I, Me Against You, while excellent, doesn't count, as it is an RvB crossover more than a Halo one).
There are a number of grammatical errors (mostly failure to capitalize names like Clover and words at the starts of sentences, as well as errors with quotation marks). A more thorough read-through for editing purposes would help with that, or getting a beta reader if you can (easiest is just to request one in the comments and see who bites). There are also a few passages where the wording doesn't really track; best way to deal with that is just to read your chapter aloud, or (if possible) get someone else to read it aloud to you so that you can hear the parts that sound stilted. Also, when Cortana is speaking to the ONI-type pony in the shadows, refer to the pony by 'he' or 'she.' Even if she can't tell what he/she looks like, she can still hear the speaker, so 'they' sounds awkward and makes it look like it's talking about both Cortana and the interrogator, or that there are multiple interrogators.
All the same, I find no fault with the execution of the story itself. I wouldn't have brought up the editing if I didn't think this story was worth the time. I'm a long-time Halo fan, and I've been less than impressed with every other Halo fic I've read; the fact that you've produced a well-written one is commendable. I particularly enjoyed Cortana's sudden realization about her new form.
Fun fact, in case you want to play around with this: 'Cortana' is a derivative of a title once given to 'Excalibur' in certain Arthurian tales.
Pls update
Or I will incinerate/annihilate you for life.
So now there is something similar to the infinity stones in Equestria?
Hmmmmm... she needs a bow. A deep blue one.
Love it!
Glad to see the story ain't dead.
I am seeing Red Skull in Guile and the opening of Captain America: The First Avenger in this chapter, which makes me wonder, is Cortana going to be Captain Equestria?
A very good story, but could be slightly improved upon.
That's when reality struck her like a ten freight trains and twenty nukes (a is singular, while trains is plural)
That's when reality struck her like ten freight trains and twenty nukes
How this happened, she hadn't a clue, but she wasn't to concerned in the how at this point.
How this happened, she hadn't a clue, but she wasn't too concerned in the how at this point.
After all, she wasn't sure how long it take her to reach a settlement, so it was best to error in the side of caution.
After all, she wasn't sure how long it would take her to reach a settlement, so it was best to error in the side of caution.
With a heavy sigh, and some grumbling, she started trotting towards where she last heard the running water, and disappeared in to the forest.
With a heavy sigh, and some grumbling, she started trotting towards where she last heard the running water, and disappeared into the forest.
So your turning Cortona into Tony Stark
I’d be lying if the MCU doesn’t inspire some parts of this story. >.> I do enjoy putting references in my stories, some subtle and some not so much.
he should talk to Lafernius Tucker I'm shure he'd love to compare notes
also I think it would be cool if Cortana decided to restart the Orion II program on equis I'm sure the generals would be content with it.
"There's nothing stronger than the magic of friendship. Except for a mass accelerator cannon. Because f
k you and everyone near you."
So Cortana went full Tony Stark then. I can see this and can enjoy it.
Yep! I’m excited to continue with the next part. With chapter 5 being a stark like origin, now we’ll see how she deals with a similar situation. I’m thinking of combining chapter 4 and 5, but at a later date.
I can see her quoting John. "I thought I'd shoot my way out. Mix things up a bit."
not thrilled with that red skull part.
sorry the MCU ing is what lost me....should have just kept Cortana Cortana and this Halo only not mix in MCU
Cortana is a living pony for some reason, but okay. Assuming that war is going to catch-up with Cortana some time soon.
I'm getting Captain America vibes
I agree with you on some points. Keep this more Halo based, less MCU
Wanted to post an update here in the comments since it’s been a while since I updated this story. I mainly work on this in my spare time when motivation hits me and for the last two chapters here I was forcing myself to write and ended up feeling like I copied the MCU. While I do want to take inspiration from it, I want it to only be a small part in the grand scheme of things. At this time, I’ll be going over and redoing the last two chapters to clean things up a bit. I’ll be sure to update the titles to reflect the changes that come.
Um is it going to continue?
Yes it is, I actually just edited a few bits of it. Hopefully it’ll be much more cohesive and more original this time around.
Oh good to know i thought this story was dead after it not updating in years
Heh, on hiatus more like it. Burn out is a hell of a thing but I’m going to be working on new pages and hopefully not run myself in to a wall this time. Lol
Can't wait to read the update, good luck and i hope you had a good time writing the story.